Guest Lecture on “Fundamentals of Indian & Global Food Legislation” and “Future in the field of Food Science and Nutrition” was conducted on June 30th 2023 at Chapel Hall from 9.30 PM onwards. The Guest Lectures was organized by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysore.
The First session was handled by MrAkshithGowda H K, Quality Control Executive, Forsana Food Factory, Riyad, KSA who elaborately explained about the quality aspects followed in the food industry and stated that no matter what we should focus on working towards our goal. He emphasized about job opportunities in the field of Quality Control and Assurance. He briefly shared about his experience working in the quality sector and how it has helped him evolve as a better person.
The second session was handled by MsHitha Nair, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Britannia Industries Ltd who elaborately explained about the National and International Food laws. She emphasized on FSSAI its importance in the Food industry and stated that we have many opportunities in the scientific regulation field. She emphasized about food packaging and labelling and the things to be considered when purchasing a product from the consumer perspective.
The session was open for questions and both the speakers were very much humbled to answer the questions raised.