6-Day Faculty Development Programme -2023
“Revisiting the NAAC Accreditation and Assessment Process in Autonomous Colleges in the light of NEP”
Date: From March 27th to 1st of April Time: 1:30 PM Venue: Auditorium, St. Philomena’s College, Mysuru
The Faculty Development Program aims in fostering the most essential qualities for excelling in the educational field, the program aimed to impart and incorporate knowledge, teaching competence, research initiatives, skills, and professional competence for the faculty members in the evolving educational system.
The Faculty Development Program on “Revisiting the NAAC Accreditation and Assessment Process in Autonomous Colleges in the light of NEP” illustrates the magnificent and intellectual framework for educational institutions to acclaim academic milestones.
- To nurture and promote quality education by intellectual empowerment of faculty members.
- To achieve educational glory through academic excellence.
- To provide an opportunity for the faculty members to get exposure to the multidimensional approach of the New Educational Policy.
- An insight into Mentoring Skills.
- FDP as key to professional development in pragmatic and holistic manner.
- To promote research inclination and scientific temperament among faculty members.
- To revisit the institution’s Accreditation and Assessment process.
The present educational evolving system demands a multi-disciplinary approach for the holistic attainment of academic excellence to accomplish educational constant glory. In view of this, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) organized the Capacity Building Programme – 6 Day Faculty Development Programme on “Revisiting the NAAC Accreditation and Assessment Process in Autonomous Colleges in the light of NEP” from 27th March to 1st of April for UG and PG faculty members of the college for the intellectual progression in the higher education.

Day 1-Inauguration of Faculty Development Program
On 27th March 2023, the first day of the program was unveiled with the launching of the IQAC logo stating educational quality assurance and sustenance in an intellectual grandeur manner. The program was exuberantly inaugurated by the intellectual personality Prof. Dr. Richard Gonsalves, Director, Loyola Centre of Research and Innovation, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. Rev. Dr. Bernard Prakash Barnis, Rector of St. Philomena’s Educational Institutions, Dr. Ravi J D Saldanha, Principal, Mr. V Sanjay Nair, Vice Principal- Academic, Mr. Ronald Prakash Cutinha, Vice- Principal- Administration and Mr. A Thomas Gunaseelan, Coordinator of IQAC have embarked the program with their gracious presence for the intellectual feast.
Session I -Keynote Address
The Chief Guest of the program Prof. Dr. Richard Gonsalves, Director, LCRI, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Aloysius College, Mangalore delivered his distinguished Keynote Address to the participants with the pragmatic approach for formulating the educational benchmarks for the institutional progress.
Prof. Gonsalves emphasized the need for educational institutions to strive for the educational benchmark through NAAC Accreditation reflecting an embodiment of academic and cultural excellence. Prof. Gonsalves effectively deployed the NAAC Assessment Framework to the participants. He reinstated the magnanimous nature of ICT usage in the modern epoch of education.
Prof. Gonsalves also emphasized the importance of self-evaluation of any educational institution for the accomplishment of holistic development of education and he reiterated the participative management of stakeholders in educational institutions. His insight on the Distribution of Metrics and Key Indicators of each criterion, Feedback Analysis and Action Report, Students’ Profile, Institutional Research inclination, Financial Allowance for the Research, Publications, Consultancy Policies, Functional MOUs, CGPA Calculations and Documentation methodologies for the NAAC Assessment were benefits for the participants. He motivated and restated the teamwork and logical coherence in an organization to be the intellectual wings for the achievement of excellence to carve the constant glory and legacy in the higher educational saga.
Session II on Mentoring Skills
Session II of the first day was conducted magnificently by Prof. Mary P Kurien, Associate Professor, Department of Life Skills, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) on “Mentoring Skills.”
Prof. Mary P Kurien emphasized the effective implementation of Mentoring System in a world bereft of values and ethics. She highlighted that in the modern epoch, there is a need to change the perception of mentoring according to the prevailing contemporary educational challenges. She advised the faculty members to transform the student into universalized person embedded with confidence, values, ethics and competence in the world of media influence.
Prof. Mary P Kurien expressed students are multidimensional and widely experienced in various fields in the contemporary educational progress and advised the faculty members to transcend in academics and research to meet the requirement of modern students. She motivated the faculty members to foster confidence and courage for young minds to face challenges, respecting the uniqueness of students and finding opportunities among impediments. She restated Passion and Commitment as the embodiments of mentors to nurture young minds with intellectual, emotional and psychological bondage with students.
Day 2
Session III on “NEP –Curriculum Enrichment, POs, COs, CLOs and Attainment”
On 28th March 2023, Session III on the second day of FDP was conducted by Miss. Lydia Vandana, Head of the Department of Biochemistry, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) on “NEP –Curriculum Enrichment, POs, COs, CLOs and Attainment.” Miss. Lydia Vandana emphasized Value-Based Education as a core objective of the institution in the era devoid of values and ethics. She illustrated many situations about Educational Ecosystem as an embodiment of the institution for the further educational breakthroughs.
She expressed her opinion about the Competency and Confidence based educational approach among students to attain multidimensional and multidisciplinary NEP objectives. She provided a verbal aerial perspective on the preparation of Program Educational Objectives, Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes, Course Objectives and Course Outcomes. She provided the dimension of a curriculum resulting in Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Social Interaction, Ethics, Self-Directed Learning and Environmental Concern.
She reiterated the appropriate instructional design of Course Learning Outcomes embedded with five to six outcomes as standard bearers than burdened with many or fewer. Prerequisite competency of the students, available facilities, students’ needs and employability skills are primary monumental of any course of the educational institution to attain appropriate fruitful outcomes.
Session IV- “SWOC and Analysis”
Session IV of the second day was conducted by Dr. Deepa V, Assistant Professor, Department of BBA, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) on “SWOC and Analysis.” Dr. Deepa V manifested her talk about SWOC Analysis and its effective framework for educational institutions. She expressed her view that SWOC is a strategic and tactic method of the organization to reach higher heights of its saga. SWOC is an instrumental framework for any organization to function effectively and efficiently with a pragmatic approach.
Dr. Deepa reiterated the tangible and intangible positive aspects of an institution’s strength inclusive of Alumni Support, Students’ Competence, Location, Management Assistance, Nature of Course, Experience, Qualified Faculty, Certificate Courses, Futuristic Outlook, Co-curricular Activities, Cultural Programmes, Training and Placement Cell, Collaborative Activities, Infrastructure, Industrial Visit. She advised that institutions should adhere to the minimalism of weakness and eradicate institutional threats. Transcending educational reformation is much indispensable to face contemporary challenges.
She restated that the weakness of the institution like competition from other institutions, lack of Industrial exposure and reluctant nature towards research inclination should be transformed as challenges for the institution’s academic excellence. She recapitulated SWOC as the guiding lighthouse for the organization to reach the destination of the benchmark.

Day 3
Session V- NAAC Criteria 1-4
On 29th of March 2023, the third day of the FDP was effervescently conducted by Dr. S Srinivasa, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tumkur University, Karnataka and Deputy Adviser, NAAC, Bengaluru on “NAAC Criteria 1-4.” Dr. S Srinivasa enlightened the participants to realize the eligibility and benefits of NAAC Assessment and Accreditation for the institution to embrace quality education and globally spread its intellectual wings. Recognized authority like NAAC review provides an opportunity for the institution to introspect the educational stature and planning. Accreditation will assist the internal planning of the institution to meet the requirement of the students.
Dr. S Srinivasa reiterated the significance of collective work during the NAAC process. He suggested that careful analysis of Qualitative Metrics and Quantitative Metrics will result in a positive way to secure good grading in the process. He highlighted the remarkable significance of the Prerequisite Score of the institution. The logical coherence and scientific approach of understanding the Manual, Data Template and Standard Operating Procedure is the appropriate method for a good grade. He expressed Extended Profile of the institution including Lists of Courses, Number of Students and Number of Full Time Faculty Members reflects the quality and excellence.
Earmarked discussion unveiled with Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects and he emphasized the curriculum aspects and the stature of the academic activity. He expressed his valuable views on the revision, implementation and outcome of the curriculum.
He mentioned the remarkable and vivacious nature of Criterion 2 – Teaching, Learning and Evaluation, which plays a distinguished role as the highest marked criterion. Dimensions of teaching methods, teacher’s competence, teachers’ qualification, course learning outcomes, transparency in evaluation methods and Students’ Enrolment are key indicators of this criterion and illustriously reflect the institution’s standard.
Criterion 3 Research, Innovations and Extension, He restated that Accreditation will take the institution in a different direction to nurture intellectual young minds. It helps more collaborative activities with other organizations to fulfill research inclination and scientific temperament. He expressed his strong discernment that NAAC Accreditation positively bears fruitful outcomes. He reaffirmed the significance of Research Cells, Functional MOUs, the Incubation Centre, and augment in Review Articles, Books and Chapters.
Criterion 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources, Dr. S Srinivasa emphasized the optimum utilization of available infrastructure concerning to holistic development of the institution. Automated library systems, appropriate usage of e-resources, ICT-based education mode, eco-friendly infrastructural development and implementation of creative perceptions like information hub and competitive world among young minds are indicators of this criterion.
Session VI- NAAC Criteria 5-7
Session VI of the third day of FDP was continued by Dr. S Srinivasa on “NAAC Criteria 5-7” and he illustrated pragmatic examples related to Criterion 5 –Student Support and Progression. Participative management of students, Awareness about available scholarships for the students, professional-oriented programs, counseling and competitive examination training, implementation of skill enhancement programs, active functioning of registered Alumni Association, Alumni Contributions for the progress of the institution, students’ outstanding performance in academics, cultural and sports representing institution in higher level are indispensable components of the institution.
Dr. S Srinivasa expressed his discernment on Criterion 6- Governance, Leadership and Management. He highlighted decentralization and participative management inclusive management, faculty members, students, alumni and parents in the college activities, faculty empowerment strategies, implementation of e-governance in an efficient manner, the accomplishment of vision and mission in accordance to quality education and excellence, optimum utilization of resources and mobilization, IQAC quality initiatives, collaborative activities, financial assistance for the faculty members to attain academic qualities, cohesive institutional appraisal system and quality enhance program magnanimously support institution’s advancement.
He also expressed his views on Criterion 7 – Institutional Values and Best Practices as a reflection of the institution’s educational stature remarkably illustrating the value and excellence-centric activities for the educational sublimity. Sensitization of gender equity programs, robust green campus, maintenance of specially-able friendly campus, impactful core values of the institution, human values professional ethics and institutional distinctiveness were highlighted by the speaker. He created responsiveness about the appropriate usage of Issue Management System to get clarification for the speculation and queries related to the questionnaire and technical issues related to NAAC.

Day 4
Session VII- “Teachers’ Competency under NEP 2020”- Part 1
On 30th March 2023, the fourth day of FDP was conducted eloquently by Dr. (Lt. Col) Prasad S N, Deputy Director and Professor of Strategy and General Management, SDMIMD, Mysuru on “Teachers’ Competency under NEP 2020.” He expressed his discernment about the effective implementation of NEP, the unconventional education approach with a modernistic kaleidoscope view. He metaphorically compared the contemporary educational scenarios to the marketing technique known as Compliance Environment. The present challenging education system requires a transitional teacher. Teachers have to strive to teach modern students beyond internet resources resulting standards in quality.
The institution should work for the improvement of Students’ Profiles to reflect academic engagement at a different level. He restated technical progression and encroachment have resulted in revolution and are keys to modernistic perceptions. 2023 is a competitive world of knowledge and unconventional education methods are much required, NEP is one among them to face educational impediments and challenges. He highlighted the concept of Domain Competence among young minds to be nurtured through New Educational Policy. This offers Major Disciplinary and Minor Disciplinary as student-centric education. Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary methods are the brainchild of NEP to serve wide academic expectations and requirements. Programs like skill enhancement, value-based and professional-oriented courses are much beneficent for the students’ community. Dr. Prasad expressed the remarkable significance of effective lecture methods, upgraded laboratories, seminars; industrial visits, internships, community engagement and service-oriented programs are much needed. He said the learning outcomes of any course will be the reflection of qualitative academic engagement.

Session VIII- “Teachers’ Competency under NEP 2020”- Part 2
Dr. Prasad effectively illustrated Bloom’s Taxonomy inclusive to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create relational to scientific perception. He re-emphasized the learning outcomes as manifested foundation of the institution to flourish. The course should be designed in such a way and to enrich critical thinking, creativity, communication, analytical thinking, research skills, and scope for the collaborative activities, inclusive in nature, value-centric, responsibility building, accountability, leadership quality, environmental awareness, community engagement, multicultural competence and the culmination of digital skills. He spoke about examinations like NTA NET, B.Ed., Professional-oriented courses and Teacher Eligibility Test as professional competence measures.
Dr. Prasad also stated the reasons for the absence or presence of teacher’s quality by uttering the famous phrase “Beginning with the end in Mind” temperament among faculty members, unstable careers, less opportunity, social status, problem in the quality of life, and place of work diminish the educational standards. He concluded his fascinating presentation with unique concepts like Teacher Mentoring, Student and Peer Feedback and Qualitative and Quantitative Feedback system in higher education.
Day 5
Session IX on RDC- A Bird’s Eye View
RDC-The Paramount Key of Accreditation and Assessment
On 31 March 2023, the fifth day of FDP was conducted spectacularly by Mr. Ronald Prakash Cutinha, Vice Principal-Administration, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) on “RDC- A Bird’s Eye View.” RDC, Research Development Cell is an institutional window for the promotion of research inclination and temperament among faculty members and students. Successful implementation of RDC is an educational earmarking of excellence. He emphasized the guidelines of the RDC establishment, research work deployment, formation of the research policy and establishment of anti-plagiarism software, Mr. Ronald Prakash Cutinha highlighted the designing of professional ethics, establishment of learning resource centers, optimum utilization of e-resources, the effective implementation of Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) and collaborative activities with other research institutions are the benchmark for the institution to reach higher heights in research field. He emphasized the qualitative research inclination through effective implementation of the Research Development Cell for the research decentralization among faculty members.
In continuation with the first session, “RDC-The Paramount of Accreditation and Assessment session was conducted by Dr. Noor Mubasheer C A, Associate Professor and HOD of PG Studies and Research in Social Work, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) Dr. Noor Mubasheer expressed her views on the concepts like multidisciplinary, trans-disciplinary and transitional culture resulting from the contemporary educational policy. She correlated the Vision and Mission of the Research Development Cell is to provide holistic education inclusive of research-promoted activities. She emphasized the essence to enhance research productivity and collaborative activities by educational institutions and to come out from the barriers to transform institutions as research excelled centers.
Dr. Mubasheer expressed strong imposition and insisted the RDC implementation and formation of research policies. The tremendous objectives of RDC play a notable function in achieving academic excellence and holistic education. The illustrious presentation included the formulation of research policies, recruitment of faculty for the research-designated works and energetic collaborative activities. She spoke about the opportunity to transit institutions as nodal centers for research work. With the intellectual assistance of the retired faculty members, the institution can culminate the experience and knowledge result fruitful outcomes.
Dr. Mubasheer spoke about the Functions of RDC like corpus creation method, generation of CSR funds for research initiatives, seed money, collaboration with the funding agencies, quality publication, patent registration, research-oriented programs, organization of seminars, conferences and Faculty Development Programs, internship, product development, monitoring research works and commercialization, propagation of ethics in research, plagiarism check and establishment of research center of excellence. She insisted the effective implementation of five RDC committees as indispensable elements including the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, Research Program, Policy Development Committee, Collaboration and Community Committee, Product Development, Monitoring and Commercialization Committee and IPR, Legal and Ethical Matters Committee for the intellectual deliberations of competence domain. She highlighted our institution’s ranking status in AD Scientific Index 2023 as 1672 for the attainment of academic glorious milestones.

Session X on NEP 2020: Implementation, Challenges and Prospects
Session X of the fifth day of FDP was conducted in an intellectual grandeur manner by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, UGC Nominee, Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar and Former HOD of Political Science on ” NEP 2020: Implementation, Challenges and Prospects.” Dr. Sharma illustrated the higher education scenario in India and the drastic fall down in students’ strength after NEP implementation. He expressed his deep concern for the student’s attendance status and strength in all the higher educational institutions has badly impacted in the post-pandemic epoch. The pandemic effect was both constructive and pessimistic impacts in the contemporary educational system. Dr. Sharma restated NEP implementation is an academic boon amidst of educational chaos and it has got many wings including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary methods as opportunities for students to fly higher in reaching the educational milestones.
Dr. Sharma metaphorically called New Education Policy as Restoration epoch of educational standards. India is a country known for unity in diversity and NEP provides a multidimensional approach and resolves language implications in education by providing various options. He urged higher education institutions to inculcate skill-based education than mere certificate producing and he illustrated incidental examples from his prudence related to other higher educational institutions’ contemporary problematic conditions. He advised the restructuring of academic trajectory and transiting research excelled center for the glorious educational accomplishments. He mentioned the need of transforming educational institutions as research excelled institutions and collaboration with functional research institutes with research inclination programs for futuristic purpose.
Day 6 -Valedictory of Faculty Development Program
Keynote Address on NAAC Accreditation: Institutional Challenges
On 1st April 2023, the last day of the FDP an intellectual pragmatic and interactive Keynote Address was delivered by Prof. A. Balasubramanian, Former Pro Vice-Chancellor, Pondicherry University and Director of EMMRC on “NAAC Accreditation: Institutional Challenges”. He appreciated the institution’s striving effort to organize FDP to provide quality education. He suggested employment consistency as a key to institutional success.
Prof. Balasubramanian metaphorically called educational institutions to work like an athlete and aim high with substance to get good grades in the ranking forums, quality sustenance and transforming as excellence centers. He expressed his views on Higher Educational Institutions in India and their Challenges. He stated institutions are heterogeneous and illustrated ranking forums like AISHE, AQAR and NAAC help in the Assessment, Ranking and evaluation of institutional progress. Stakeholder involvement is an essential and indispensable element. He Compared NAAC as the road map for the accomplishment of excellence.
He highlighted the problematic plight of government educational institutions like issues related to transfer, lack of qualitative faculty members, lack of infrastructure, lack of alumni interaction, less participation, stagnant contribution and devoid of Ph.D. qualified faculty members are impediments to retaining quality education. Whereas in private educational institutions, problematic plights like self-sustainability, funding crisis, the peer pressure of fame and lack of financial assistance are considered as barriers for the growth. While speaking about NAAC preparation Prof. Balasubramanian emphasized the careful SSR preparation, QIF calculation clarity and per capital calculations like students’ teacher’s ratio and students’ computer ratio should be done consciously and meticulously.
He mentioned the need for curriculum enrichment and curriculum design to be in accordance with employability skills. He suggested that educational institutions should effectively implement Learning Management System, reform the policy according to the transition world and provide program options flexibility. He spoke about the rigidity of the New Education Policy inclusive of entry and exit methods and the lack of consistency in subjects-oriented education. He captivated the participants of FDP by mentioning 150 teaching methods for effective classroom management. He concluded his magnificent presentation with an illustrious example relational to Outcome Based Education Assessment for the constant educational glory.
After the intellectual feast of the Keynote Address, Miss. Amrutha Shankpal, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication presented a detailed report on the success of the Faculty Development Program Trajectory on “Revisiting the NAAC Accreditation and Assessment Process in Autonomous Colleges in the light of NEP.” The faculty members from Under Graduation and Post-Graduation benefitted from this FDP to learning constructive factors like teachers’ competence, effective classroom management, qualitative research publication, NEP multidimensional approach, effective mentoring skills, formation of course learning outcomes and professional development. The Faculty Development Program came to end with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. A Thomas Gunaseelan, IQAC Coordinator, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) and Feedback was taken by all the participants for the evaluation of 6-day Faculty Development Program.