Orientation visit in Government Children’s Home for Girls
Location – Government Children’s Home for Girls , Lalitha Mahal Road Mysore.
Date and Time – 7th July 2022, 2:30PM
Number of people attended: 47 including
- BSW 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Students
- Social work faculties- Ms.Deepthy M J and Mr.Mathew C
Review of the Day
It is special Juvenile unit for girls below 18. There 68 girls from age 6 – 18 cases of heinous crime, love affairs at early age, minor possession, robbery, early eloped girls, abused kids are been shifted here, and rehabilitated till they are 18 years old.
Before coming to the institution the children undergo counselling and complete social case study is done. If parents are not capable to take care of the children, Government takes incharge of them and sent them here. People can do foster care from this institution.
Anyone can directly bring children who are seem to be in a worst, helpless condition without contacting children helpline or police.
It is a Government institution for the welfare of girl children who are thrown from family, friends, society and who are helpless , abused. After 18 years children has been shifted to state home for future care .
The Home is of two storey buliding- consist of dormitory, cupboards, dining area, kitchen, store room, computer area , space for studying, washing area etc. There are caretakers in morning and night.
The main supervisor of the Home explained about the whole setting and clarified the doubts of social work trainees. Shortly, the social work girl trainees were allowed to visit inside the Home.
After visiting the home, the social work trainees thanked for their co-operation and took a gathering photo together and left the organization.