Inspiring talk on We and Our Research.
History of Mathematics
Motivation for Research in an Systematic
- An Insight about Open Problems in
Outlines of the Session:
Necessity of Mathematics and its
- Contributions of Various
- Motivation for
- Process of Conducting
- Discussion on some famous Conjunctures and open problems in Mathematics
- Introduction to Proof
The gathering was welcomed by Mr. Puneeth.S, Assistant professor, PG Department of Mathematics. Mr. Kunal.A, Assistant Controller of Examination, welcomed the Resource person. Mr. Bharatha.K, Assistant professor, PG Depart- ment of Mathematics, introduced the Resource person and the session was handed over to him.
Prof. B.S Kiranagi started the session with his motivational work in the field of Mathematics. He stated that – Practically everybody possesses some degree of mathematical intuition. Since mathematicians are either into theory builders and problem solvers, the main object is to develop mathematicians intuition into a controllable tool. As, Mathematics should reflect intuition.
Later he questions the students, Why Mathematics? and gives the simplest answer – As mathematics is a gateway to explore the world around us all. Then he talked about David Hilbert who raised 23 questions in mathematics during the International congress of Mathematicians-1900 in Paris. He believed these questions would be important for the future development of mathematics and unfolded few of them.
Further he spoke about research John.F.Nash Jr, who was best known for Advanced Game of Mathematics, which is essentially the study how to come up with a winning strategy in the game of life. Especially when you do not know what your competitors are doing and the choices do not always look promising. And later he spoke about the great mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan and Harish Chandra both of who were succeeded in cultivating and employing the winning strategy. He motivated the students by saying these great mathematicians are remembered for their imagination, which was stirred and fired by a foundation of serious study.
The speaker insisted the students to solve various mathematical problems from standard textbooks, as it is the stepping stone of mathematical research. He concluded by discussing about the various proof techniques and gave a glimpse of the some famous Conjunctures and Open problems in Mathematics. And finally he ended the session by interacting with the students.