01 Name Amrutha Shankpal A
02 Designation Assistant Professor and HOD
03 Department


Journalism and Mass Communication
04 Qualification


MA Specialization: Journalism
06 Contact Number


07 email ID [email protected]


08 Experience

( no. of years)





Dissertation on Effect of OTT film streaming on Film theatres

Work Experience



09 Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended.


  Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars


Name of the Institute/University Date & Duration
3 days Science Videography Training workshop Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore 23 to 25 November 2021
2 days workshop on Science Writing and Science reporting in Kannada Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore 9 to 10 March 2021
Journalists 34th State Conference  for 2 days Karnataka Working Journalists Association and Mysore District Journalists Association 1 to 2 March 2019
2 days Short Film Production- Lecture Series Mysore Dasara Film Festival in University of Mysore 13 to 14 October 2018
State Level Seminar on “Shakespeare- Our Contemporary” JSS College for Arts, Commerce & Science, Mysore 28 March 2018