St. Philomena‟s college, a temple of learning is not just another higher education institution in the Royal city of Mysore, instead a unique one, distinct in its vision and mission.
The vision is realized by adapting to the present realities and challenges, imparting value based education, contributing to nation building.
The Administration and management is distinguished by transparency and participative management. Decisions are taken after due deliberations by the committees on academic and administrative matters. Priority is given to the primary stakeholders, the students and their parents. Staff are appointed keeping in mind competence, aptitude and merit, resulting in considerable diversity.
Academic programmes are innovative, far-sighted and relevant to current needs. Since gaining autonomy, the schedule for the academic calendar is prepared which aids the stakeholders to plan for the year. New courses and subjects are introduced catering to the requirements of higher education and the aptitude of the students, offering them ample choice. In tune with „Skilling India‟, the college is offering B. Voc. courses in Media & Entertainment and Healthcare Technology.
Apart from innovations both in substance and delivery of subjects, special care is taken to develop soft skills. Life Skills classes, an interactive programme empower the students to face challenges in life. It is a paradigm shift in educating the youth.
Inclusive and Pro-poor admission policy of the management ensures social justice. A considerable fee concession is offered to the needy. Concerted efforts have been made to educate academically poor and socio-economically backward young people irrespective of their religious affiliations. Rural students provided with hostel facilities at nominal fees has resulted in many girl students getting educated and empowered. Underprivileged and meritorious students are awarded scholarships.
Diversity on campus: At any given point of time, the institution has students from around 30 countries and 20 states of India on an average. These include students from some of the extremely poor, backward and war torn countries as well as from developed countries, islanders from Papua New Guinea and the Maldives. Indian students who are in the majority are drawn from diverse economic, academic and social backgrounds. The students merge and integrate resulting in a rich diversity of ethnicities and culture. In a conflict-free peaceful atmosphere, teachers enjoy working and parents are relaxed and confident. The International Students‟ Day and North-East Students‟ Day are occasions for special cultural extravaganza which create a sense of belonging and pride. Hence Unity in diversity is not something to merely search for, it is reflected and lived on campus.
The institution has a MoU for student exchange on credit transfer basis with University of Lyon 2, France. The French students are encouraged to integrate with our students and improve their proficiency in the English language. The college also has MoUs for academics and research with Daffodil University, Dhaka, The Sustainability Platform (Asia) and industrial partners to enhance employability.
The Ambience and infra-structure are well planned and maintained on the sprawling campus of 25 acres which is under CCTV surveillance. Pollution and carbon footprint are mitigated with a good number of trees.
In keeping with the heritage city tag of Mysore, the heritage structures in the campus are maintained and preserved in spite of infrastructure expansion.
Spacious and secure hostel facilities provide a home away from home. Special facilities for international students to prepare their own food makes them feel at home.
A Well ventilated library welcomes everyone with a collection of national and local dailies. It has a UGC Resource Centre with internet facility, e-books, connectivity to OPAC and INFLIBNET, and good collection of rare and valuable books, journals and magazines.
ICT enabled classrooms, museums with a rich collection of rare specimens and models, laboratories with state of the art facilities are available to students and teachers. Individual departments have been provided with digital platforms and intercom.
The college has vast sports grounds, outdoor and indoor stadiums and a multi gym with a professional trainer.
Multi-faceted internal assessment methodology: Project work, presentation, writing exercise and seminar demand extra reading beyond classroom learning. Regular national and international seminars, conferences and workshops organized by the departments provide opportunities to present papers build leadership qualities and improve communication skills.
Extra-curricular activities keep the teachers and students involved throughout helping in character building which is one of our mission statements.
The Extension Activities impart a social dimension to higher education through programmes on environmental awareness, yoga, and women‟s empowerment, popularizing pure science in PU College and Government schools, cleanliness drives and blood donation camps. Off-campus programmes of the NSS, BSW and MSW have made education at St. Philomena‟s distinct and socially relevant.
The Alumni Association (OSA), formed in 1951, is one of the oldest in Mysore city. The members spread all over the world are goodwill ambassadors of the college. The Executive Committee of the OSA meets regularly and strengthens the bonding. It supports the alma-mater by motivating the younger generation.
College of Excellence: In recognition of its contribution to education and society, UGC elevated the college from a „College with Potential for Excellence‟ to a „College of Excellence‟ in 2015.
Recently the University of Mysore granted the college permission to establish a Research Centre.
Under the „Paramarsh Scheme‟, the UGC has recognized the college as a Mentor Institution to facilitate five neighboring NAAC-aspiring institutions.
All the above features give St. Philomena‟s college its distinctiveness and help the Philomenites who can hold their own in the world and change the society in tangible ways. Bearing witness to this distinctiveness, are the generations of young scholars, the alumni, who have passed through the portals of this institution in its 73 years of service to education and the nation.