

Impact of climate change is real and the present human generation is experiencing it in the most distressing dimensions in recent times. Climate change is the most focused phenomenon pervading the global and the local scenario. Its impact is multifarious, touching almost all aspects of life on our planet. Though it is essential and inevitable for the evolution of life, the rapid pace of climate change and the fact that it is largely anthropogenic, poses a principal threat to the earth and its inhabitants.

Understanding the gravity of the situation,  The college has successfully organized and a Three Day International Conference on Climate Change from 9 to 11 April 2015. The conference is organized envisaging an opportunity to share experiences and formulate strategies to tackle the impact of climate change. To galvanize participation at the local level a few pre- conference events namely, essay competition, poster competition, slogan writing competition, quiz competition and model making competition were organized targeting undergraduate and postgraduate students of general and professional courses.




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