The story of any ground-breaking community is the story of torch-bearers and extraordinary human beings. Our founders were driven by a sense of mission, as for them education was not merely an investment in future career opportunities: it was a means of self-realization and a guide to a wholesome living.
These pioneers laid the foundation and over years, this temple of learning has grown gloriously, drawing students from every corner of India and some from across seas. we have students from 23 different states of India and 32 different nationalities. Together, we represent a microcosm of our country, with its rich composite culture.
Aspirants come to acquire knowledge -focusing on core subjects related to specializations and further apt to explore more in their domains to become experts. students also involve in exploring their talents as they journey along the path of success and enlightenment. They take part in athletics and represent the college at university , state and National Athletics and Games.