
About MSW Department

 A brief history:

Post graduate department of Social Work was established in 1993with  a vision of building service oriented student  mass as the college students for “EDUCATION THROUGH SERVICE”. Under graduate department of Social Work was not there in the University of Mysore till 1993. The college with its dedicated effort could bring Social Work course into the college curriculum as an optional subject. With its continuous progress and cent percent  results, in the year 1999 it was rewarded full-fledged three years degree course exclusively in  Social Work(BSW).  The Post graduate department of Social Work was established in 2008 and offers master’s degree in Social Work. In 2013 the department started offering post graduate in Human Resource Management. Social  work department is recognized as a research center from university of mysuru from 2019.

Achievements of the Department

A Minor UGC Research project was successfully done by the department on the topic “ a Study of Psycho-social factors effecting elderly destitute women in Mysore city”. On 14th March 2013, it organized a workshop on research methodology. Our students made paper presentation on who occasions for the National conference on youth for social transformation both at St.Mary’s college on 11 and 12th October 2012 and at Ujire, Mangalore on 19 and 20thfebrury 2014. In the National Conference on youth held at Kozhikode, kerala securing  the second place Documentary.

Future plan of Action:

  • To provide education and training in Social Work to those desirous of making a career in social work practice
  • To provide opportunities through intensive field work with variety of people in their development and service to those who are in need of it.
  • To provide inter-disciplinary collaboration for better understanding  of human problems, services and issues related to human development.
  • To link theory with practice in every sphere of human service endeavors.
  • To develop requisites knowledge, skills  and values in working with people.
  • To promote among learners a sense of responsibility and commitment to work with different sections of people especially the vulnerable  ones.
  • To promote opportunities and to create awareness for personal  growth.
  • To acquire knowledge and skills in understanding practice-based research and administer human service organization.
  • To enable the students to pass in national level examinations.
  • To organize National and International workshops and conference.
  • To adopt a tribal village and work in collaboration with industries to extend their Corporate Social Responsible activities.
  • To upgrade the knowledge using ICT to make the teaching process more effective.
  • To organize special guest leatures.
  • To join hands with the various voluntary organizations in students learning process.
  • To make frequent industrial visit.

Present Faculty:

Sl. No. Name of the Staff Member Designation Qualification Department Date of Appointment Mobile Number Email Id
1. Dr.Noor Mubasheer C A Associate Professor and PG Centre –  PG Coordinator, PG Dean  & Head PG Dept. of Studies and Research in Social Work  MSW, PGDHRM, NET, Ph.D PG Social Work 1-Sep-07   [email protected]
2.  Ms. P Nandana Assistant Professor MSW PG Social Work  22-Jun-23   [email protected]
3.  Mr. K J Robin Assistant Professor MSW, K-Set, PGDHRM, (Ph.D)    1-Jun-24   [email protected]


Coordinator, Head & Associate Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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