
Whenever many individuals live together, discipline is necessary  especially in an educational  institution. This discipline is formative and not repressive. It enables the student to practice and develop self discipline which is essential for a well-ordered and successful life. St. Philomena’s College wants students to adhere to all Rules and Regulations intended to benefit the institution as well as the individual student.

  1. Every student should wear the identity card while on campus and produce it whenever any member of the Staff/ Official of the College demands.
  2. Regular attendance to classes is compulsory. As per University Regulations, 75% attendance is compulsory otherwise; students cannot appear for the end semester Examinations. Any loss of attendance cannot be made up by producing a Medical Certificate.
  3. Students not having 75% attendance are not eligible for any scholarship and if availed at the beginning of the academic year  should return the same.
  4. The College working hours is from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. The first bell is given 5 minutes prior to the start of classes. When the students hear the first bell, they should quickly move towards their respective classrooms and be in their class rooms before the second bell.  Without the Teacher’s permission, students are not permitted to leave the class room.
  5. Students must be punctual. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the classes without a note from the Principal. However, if a student is regularly late for classes he/ she may not be permitted to attend classes.
  6. If a concerned teacher is on leave, students should go to the library. They should not crowd the corridors during class hours or otherwise.
  7. The corridors, auditorium steps, library stairways, open air theater, places around the canteen, and the library block are treated as silent zones and students are not permitted to assemble in these silent zones. The College has  stone benches in the campus for the student to sit on during their free time and sitting on the steps of any building at any time of the day is not permitted.
  8. The College seriously takes note of misbehavior, insubordination, habitual tardiness, instigating indiscipline by violence, groupism, class clashes, irregular work habits, un-becoming language or conduct, obscenity in word or deed, carrying weapons or firecrackers are punishable by fine, suspension or dismissal. The College is declared as an alcohol, smoking and drug free area and offenders face dismissal.
  9. Destroying College property, furniture, lab equipment or defacing walls are serious offences. The class rooms should be kept neat and tidy. Writing and drawing on the benches and desks are strictly prohibited.
  10. Misbehaviors outside the College affects the reputation of the College and has an impact on the students. The College reserves the right to take necessary action  and make rules that are necessary in the interest of the student community.
  11. Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the College decorum and shall be  dressed neatly and decently.
  12. No outdoor games are allowed during class hours. No picnics or excursions can be organized or any type of contributions / subscriptions made without the explicit permission of the  Management / Principal.
  13. Students should not bring their friends to the College campus without the prior permission of the Principal. As a rule, if a person other than the student is found inside the College campus he/she will be handed over to the police.
  14. Ragging is a cognizable offence. Any involvement in ragging, even of the mildest type entails immediate suspension and on enquiry, if found guilty, dismissal from the College.
  15. Kindly note that as per the Notifications from UGC and University of Mysore, usage of mobile phones in the College campus is banned. Many Parents plead that they live far away from Mysuru and desire to speak to their wards in order to be assured of their well being. While we understand parental anxiety, we have to abide by the various circulars issued from time to time on the use of mobiles.  Please also note that, students habitually using mobile phone tend to carry them into the Examination Hall which may result in their Examination being cancelled.  We assure you that, emergency calls made to the College office, Rector, Principal and Wardens will always be noted and urgent information will be communicated to the students. If a student is found using a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and will not be returned.
  16. Basic amenities are provided for the students. Once admitted, do not compare our College with others and demand for more amenities.
  17. We respect all Religions. No special privileges on religious grounds will be entertained.
  18. Those who wish to leave the College for any reason will be given a TC only on payment of fees for the remaining semesters and clearing any other dues. Such students have to return any scholarship, stipend or financial assistance given.
  19. Parents / Guardians are requested to visit the College and enquire about the progress of their child / ward in the Internal Assessment Test and the Attendance.
  20. Students should park their vehicles in the allotted place only.
  21. Students who do not live with their parents or in the College Hostel are required to inform the Principal about the details of their place of residence.
  22. No student is permitted to take part in agitations directed against the lawful authority of the Government. Membership of clubs or associations outside the campus and participation in public movements without permission is undesirable.  Students are not allowed to collect donation from the public for any purpose.
  23. College fees are to be paid within 2 weeks of the reopening of semester classes. A late fee of Rs.500 is payable after that.  If fees are not paid within 4 weeks after reopening, the name of the student will be struck off  the rolls.
  24. Tuition and other fees once paid will not be refunded.
  25. A student having shortage of attendance in one or more subjects will have to repeat the whole semester and such students will not be permitted to take admission to the next semester.
  26. The Change of Permanent Residential Address must be notified to the College office.
  27. Transfer of admissions is permissible only at the level of III and V semesters for the students of other universities provided they have passed all the subjects of previous semesters as the case may be. They will be issued final marks card without declaring a class and are not eligible for ranking. They shall complete the course as per the regulation governing the maximum duration (Six years for UG and Four years for PG).
  28. Option to change a language/ subject is exercisable only once within the first four weeks from the date of commencement of the first semester on payment of fee prescribed by the College. A student may change II language during the second semester on payment of fee prescribed by the College, on condition, the student appears for the first semester examination of that subject. The Internal Assessment marks for that subject will be calculated on the basis of the marks obtained in the end semester examination. Whenever a change in a subject is permitted, the attendance in the changed subject shall be calculated by taking into consideration the attendance in the previous subject opted by the student.
  29. A student shall be considered to have satisfied the requirement of attendance for a semester if he/she attends not less than 75% of the number of classes actually held up to the end of the semester in each subject. If a student represents the College/University/ State/ Nation in sports, NCC/ NSS/ Cultural or any other officially sponsored activities he/she may be permitted to claim attendance for actual number of hours/days participated based on the recommendation of the teacher concerned.  If a student is selected to participate in a national level events such as Republic Day Parade etc., he/she may be permitted to claim attendance for actual number of days participated based on the recommendation of the teacher concerned.
  1. Breaking the above rules will result in immediate suspension and if found guilty, after due inquiry will be dismissed from the College. The College, though not responsible for the conduct of the students outside the campus will take cognizance of any serious misconduct.
  2. Please understand that ours is a shared task in extending the bounds  of your knowledge and in creating in you, a broad-minded vision of  life.
  3. We welcome you to the College with the confidence that you will live up to the ideals of St. Philomena’s College and co-operate fully with the teaching / non-teaching staff and the authorities of the College in the ongoing process of your education.


Bonafide students of the College are issued Identity Cards.  Every student must wear the identity card while on campus and produce it whenever any member of the Staff/ Official of the College demands.


Ragging is a cognizable offence.  Any involvement in ragging, even of the mildest type entails immediate suspension and on enquiry, if found guilty, dismissal from the College.

Note: Karnataka Education Act, 1983- [Karnataka Act No. 1 of 1995]) Section 116: Penalty for Ragging:

  1. No person who is a student in an educational institution including an institution under the direct management of the University or of the Central Government shall commit ragging.
  2. Any person who contravenes sub-section (1) shall on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees or with both.
  3. Section 2(29): “Ragging” means causing, compelling or forcing a student whether by way of a practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his personal or exposes him to ridicule or to forbear from doing any lawful act, by intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining or injuring him or by using criminal force to him or by holding out to him any threat of such intimidation, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force. The College has constituted an Anti Ragging Committee