National Adventure Foundation which is recognized by Ministry of Youth affairs, New Delhi and which has a branch in Mysore, headed by Mrs. Rukmini Chandran had organized on 3rd May 2019 for the students of St Philomena’s Degree college an adventure camp at Kunthi Betta near Pandavapura, Mandya District.
The objective of this adventure camp was to bring in confidence in the minds of students to face challenges and to overcome stress and thereby develop their personality.
On 2nd May, we had inaugural function at indoor stadium, the chief guest at the function was Mr. M. N. Nataraj who is the state director, Nehru Yuvakendra Karnataka, Bangalore and Brigadier Ravi Kumar who is the national president of National Adventure Foundation, Delhi.
After the function there was demo of some of the adventure activities and Mrs. Rukmini Chandran gave instructions to students about the do’s and don’ts in the adventure camp to be held on 3rd May 2019 at Kunthi Betta.
On 3rd May 2019, 35 students from different streams along with 5 faculties left for Kunthi Betta , we reached there at 9 am, Mrs. Rukmini Chandran, who was already present there, greeted us and gave us instructions about the Programme schedule.
The first activity was climbing the hill and getting down from the hill with the help of ropes which is called rappelling, all of us were divided into 3 groups of 12 members each.
The second activity was crossing the pond again with the help of ropes which is called monkey crawling/ river crossing. The third activity was Zoomering and the Fourth activity which everyone enjoyed was Zip line.
Apart from these we had two adventure team building games. All the students and staff actively participated in all the programmes.
The adventure camp concluded at 6 pm. Mrs. Rukmini Chandran gave Valedictory address and vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Arjun, 6th sem B.Sc.student.