01NameDr. Asha M S  
02DesignationAssociate Professor
03Department  PG Studies and Research in Chemistry
04Qualification  MSc in ChemistrySpecialization:  General Chemistry
06Contact Number       Department (Intercom)                       –Mobile      9980366103Alt. Number    
07Email ID  [email protected]
08Experience ( no. of years)Teaching   19Research   14Work Experience   19
09Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 Sl. No.Conferences/Seminars /WorkshopsName of the Institute/UniversityDate & Duration
 State level seminar and workshop  
 01One day workshop on Demystifying the Outcome based EducationSt. Philomena’s College, Mysore  August 24, 2023
 02One day seminar on Recent Trends in  Chemistry-Future ChemistrySt. Philomena’s College, Mysore  March 11, 2017
 03One day conference on Green Chemistry-Future ChemistrySarada Vilas College of Pharmacy, MysoreAug 9, 2017
 04One day seminar on Chromatography : Basics andAdvancesJSS College of Pharmacy, MysoreOct 13, 2017
 05One day workshop on Autonomy and Curriculum Enhancement organized by the IQACSt.Philomena’s College (Autonomous), MysoreFeb 20, 2016
 06One-day seminar on Recent Innovations in Bio-Inorganic and Medicinal Chemistry organized by Department of ChemistryNIE, MysoreJan 28, 2015
 07One day workshop on “MIS Curriculum Development and Industry-Academia Interface” organized by IQACSt. Philomena’s College, MysoreJan 24, 2014
 08One day academia workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” organized by Department of Studies in Business AdministrationPoojaBhagavat Memorial Mahajana Post Graduate Centre, MysoreOct 17, 2014
 09One day workshop on “Research Methodology in Biosciences” organized by the department of BotanySt. Philomena’s College, Mysore  Feb 19, 2013
 10One day workshop on “Teachers Role in Higher Education: New Challenges” organized by IQACSt. Philomena’s College, MysoreNov 28, 2013
 11Workshop on “Choice Based Credit System – Syllabus in Chemistry””St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  March 23, 2011
  Open lecture series programme-2011-12Karnataka Science and Technology, Govt. of KarnatakaSep 12, 2011
 12One day State level seminar on “Recent Trends in General Chemistry” organized by the department of ChemistrySt. Philomena’s College, Mysore  Apr 9-10, 2010
 13Workshop on “Innovative methods of teaching”Directorate of Distance Education, JnanaSahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451.    Sep 28, 2010
 14UGC sponsored seminar on “Emerging Trends in Liquid Crystals and Coordination Compounds”St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  Aug 21-22, 2009
 15UGC sponsored seminar on “Recent Trend in Chemistry”Bharathi College, BharathinagaraMaddur TQ, MandyaSep13, 2008
 National seminar / conference
 16One day National conference on “Advancement in Chemistry and Medical Chemistry” (ACMC-2023)Bharathi College, DoddiDec 9th , 2023
 17UGC sponsored Two day National conference on “Emerging trends in ChemistrySt.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)March 11-12, 2016
 18Two Day National Conference on “Nuclear Energy in India – A Boon”St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)March 29-30, 2016
 19UGC sponsored two day National seminar on Supramolecules and Nanomaterials organized by the department of Chemistry and BiochemistrySt.Philomena’s College, MysoreAug 22-23 2014
 20National conference on “Recent trends in Medicinal Chemistry”JyotiNivas College, BangaloreSep 22-23, 2014  
 21Two days National conference on “Recent trends in Chemical Biology: An overview”Teresian CollegeOct 25-26, 2013
 22National seminar on “Upgrading the Curriculum with the Emerging trends in Bioscience”St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  Feb 28 & March 1, 2011
 23 Conference on “Scientific documentation on life of butterflies”St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  March 5-6, 2011
 24National seminar on “Relevance of Chemistry in Chemical Biology”  St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  March 21, 2011
 25National conference on “Current Trends in Chemical Biology” organized by PG department of ChemistryJSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science,Mysore  March 22, 2011
 26National conference on “Asymmetric Synthesis and Chiral Separation Technique”  JSS Pharmacy College, MysoreOct 19, 2011
 27National conference on “Recent Trend in Chemistry”  Mangalore university Department of Studies in Chemistry MangaloreDec 8-10, 2011
 28National seminar on “Biosystematics -Taxonomic awareness in the                              current Biotechnological Scenario”St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  Apr 23-24 2010
 International seminar / conference
 29Three day International conference on “Digital Transformation, Sustainability and Well-being-A New Perspective” (ACMC-2023)St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)Feb 9th to 11th  2023
 30 Two day 2nd International conference SME 2020 on  “Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy”NITTE, UdupiDec 22nd and 23rd 2020.
 31Three day International webinar on the topic “in Chemical Science: Challenges and Opportunities”  St.Philomena’s college (Autonomous)4th, 5th & 6th November, 2020.
 32Two day international conference on “Green Methods for Separation , Purification and Nanomaterial Synthesis”Jain University, KanakapuraApril 24-25, 2018
 33Three day international conference on Climate change-Inconvenient truths  St.Philomena’s college (Autonomous)Apr 9-11, 2015  
 34Two day international conference on “Synthetic and Structural Chemistry”  PES College of Science, Arts and Commerce Mandya  Sep 16-17, 2011
10Papers Presented/ at various conferences/Seminars. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 S. No.Title of the paperConference/Seminar & PlaceDates
 01Therapeutical Potential and Anthelmintic Activity of Peels of Bottle gourdBharathi College, DoddiDec 9th 2023
 02“Synthesis and Characterization of Hetero Cyclic Imine and its Metal Complexes for Anticorrosion Application”NIT TE, UdupiDec 22nd and 23rd 2020.
 03“Synthesis and evaluation of of Schiff bases metal(II) complexes as antimicrobial agents”Jain University, KanakapuraApril 24-25, 2018
 04“Evaluation of Hydroxyl Benzophenone Derived Metal Complexes as Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Agents”  St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)March 29, 2016
 05“Synthesis and Characterization, Biological Studies of Schiff Bases and its Metal ComplexesJyothinivas College Autonomous, BangaloreSep 3-4, 2014
 06“Synthesis and Characterization, Biological Studies of Schiff Bases and its Metal ComplexesM.S Ramaiah Institute of TechnologyJun 26-27, 2013
 07“Synthesis of Schiff Bases and their Metallic Complexes”PES College of Science, Arts and Commerce Mandya  Sep 16-17, 2011
 08“Synthesis and Biological Studies of  Benzophenone Derivative  Metallic Complexes”Mangalore University, MangaloreDec 8-10, 2011
 09“Synthesis and Evaluation of Schiff Bases as Antibacterial Agents”St. Philomena’s College, Mysore  March 21-22, 2011
11Research Articles  Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the paperJournal and ISSN No.Month/Year
 01Synthesis, Characterization And Biological Applications of Mononuclear Azamacrocyclic Metal Complexes  International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS), ISSN 2250-0049 Vol. 3, Issue 4, Oct 2013, 57-68  Oct 2013
 02Efficiency of 5-(2-aroyl)aryloxy methyl 2-phenyl 1,3,4-oxadiozoles as antibacterial and anti fungal agentsJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2013, 3(11), 105-109 ISSN 2231-3354.
 03Synthesis, Characterization, Thermal And Biological Studies of Substituted Benzophenone Derived Schiff Base Metal(II) ComplexesChemical Science Review and Letters 2014, 3(11), 735-746 ISSN 2278-67832014
 04Synthesis and Inhibition of Microbial Growth by Benzophenone Analogues – A Simplistic ApproachJournal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 04 (29); 2014; 55-60.  2014
 05Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of Schiff Base and its ComplexesInternational Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research 2014, 5(09); 373-379.2014
 06Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Azamacrocyclic Transition Metal Complexes  Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783  2014, 3(11), 673-6842014
 07Synthesis, Characterization, Thermal, Anticancer and DNA Binding Properties Of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Cd(II) and Zn(II) Complexes With Schiff Base  International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) ISSN(P): 2250-0049; ISSN(E): 2321-0095 Vol. 4, Issue 3, Jun 2014, 41-522014
 08Azamacrocyclo Complexes: Synthesis and Xanthine Oxidase and Antioxidant ActivityInternational Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry ISSN:2231:3443 2013, 4(1): 60-75, DOI: 10.9734/IRJPAC/2014/53552013
 09Synthesis, Characterization, Anti-Inflammatory, Antimicrobial and DNA Binding Properties Of Co(II). Ni(II), Cd(II) and Cu(II) Complexes with Schiff Base.International Journal of Advanced Research ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 2016, 4(8), 1065-1074 DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/1305. DOI:URL:
 10Synthesis, Characterization, Thermal and Antimicrobial Studies of Schiff Base M(II) Complexes.  International Journal of Advanced Research ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 2017, 5(8), 1065-1074 Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5286. DOI:URL:   2017
 11Sysnthesis and DNA Binding Properties of 6-Acetyl-7 Hydroxy 4,8-Dimethyl-2H-Chromen-2-one Derived Metal ComplexesInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2018, Vol. 5, 10, Res(58), ISSN: 2349-5162.I.F=5.87- UGC Approved2018
 12A Review on Synthesis and Pharmacological Importance of Imidazole DerivativesInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), June 2020, Vol. 7, Special Issue, ISSN: 2395-0056.2020
 13Introduction, history, types and applications of lithium ION battery (A Review)International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, (IRJET) 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 12, ISSN: 2395-0056.2020
 14Synthesis and Characterization of Hetero Cyclic Imine and its Metal Complexes for Anticorrosion ApplicationMaterials Today Proceeding Reference: MATPR 22327, Article reference: MATPR-MATPR-D-20-10829- Volume 46, Part 7, 2021, Pages 2436-2444
 15Recent investigation on heterocycles with one nitrogen [piperidine, pyridine and quinoline], two nitrogen [1,3,4‑thiadiazole and pyrazole] and three nitrogen [1,2,4‑triazole]: a reviewJournal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 21 May 2021  2021
 16In-silico docking, synthesis, structure analysis, DFT calculations and energy frameworks of metal complexes to regress angiogenesis activityJournal of Molecular Structure 1253, 2022, 132272
 17Molecular docking, synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of metal complexes with Schiff baseResults in Chemistry, Jan 2023, 2211-7156. 2023
 18Therapeutical Potential and Anthelmintic Activity of Peels of Bottle gourdIRJAS 2024,6(1),28-372024
 19Facile green preparation of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles using papaya leaf extract for electrochemical detection of acetaminophen in Zerodol P and Dolo dropsIonics, Sringer Nature Oct 2024. 2024
12Book/ chapter in Books Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the Book/Publisher and ISBN No.Month/Year
 01Metal(II) Complexes as Potential Anticorrosion and Antifouling Agents—A Review  Wiley, 2024
 SL. No.Title of the project- Minor/ majorAgency sponsored Month and year
 01Minor Research Project on the “Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Schiff Bases and their Metal Complexes.”  UGC2014-2016
 02Biodegradable mulching sheet for sustainable agriculyureKSCRT2020-21
 03Synthesis of Novel N2, O2 Schiff Base Zinc (II) Complexes and their Effect on Germination, Seedling Growth of Plants.KSCRT2021-22
14Resource Person
 SL. No.College/ UniversityTopicsDate
15Awards and Recognition
 SL. No.Awards / RecognitionUniversity or Any OrganizationDate

Academic Responsibilities:

Sl. NoMembershipYear
1.Member of  the Board of Studies in  Biochemistry [UG], St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2011-2013
2.Member of  the Board of Examiners in Biochemistry [Undergraduate] St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2011-2013
3.Member of  the Board of Studies  in Chemistry [PG], St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2013-2018
4.Member of  the Board of Examiners in Chemistry [PG] St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2013-2018
5.Chairperson of  the Board of Examiners in Chemistry [PG] St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2018-2020
6.Member of  the Board of Examiners in Chemistry [PG], St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2020 till date
7.Chairperson of  the Board of Studies  in Chemistry [PG], St. Philomena’s College , Mysore2020 till date


Sl. NoActivityYear
1.As Convener organized two day UGC sponsored National level seminar in our college on the topic “Nuclear Energy in India – A Boon” on 29th& 30th March, 2016.2016
2.Chief Superintend for the final examination for PG courses2015-16
3.Team leader for the coding of answer papers of the PG examination2014-15
4.Staff treasurer of the Chemical Club of PG Dept of Chemistry2016 onwards
5.Chaired a Scientific Session in the Conference on Green Chemistry-Future Chemistry organized by Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy2017
6.As Coordinator organized one day seminar in our college on the topic “Materials Chemistry” on 8th March, 2019.2019
7.As Convener organized three day International webinar in our college on the topic “in Chemical Science: Challenges and Opportunities” on 4th, 5th & 6th November, 2020.2020
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