

3 Department


4 Qualification


M.Sc.; B.Ed.
6 email ID [email protected]
7 Experience

( no. of years)

8 Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended.


9 Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars


Name of the Institute/University Date & Duration
01 National Webinar on “Applied Mathematics and its Recent Applications-2022[AMIRA-2022]” Department of Mathematics, Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal. 16th &17th June 2022(02 day)
02 Mathematics Workshop on Calculus in MS Excel. Dass Scientific Research Labs. Gujarat, India. 24th May 2022(01 day)
03 International Webinar on “Mathematical Modelling of Biology and Medicine”. Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar Metropolitan College. 13th May 2022(01 day)
04 International Webinar on “Mathematics of Computer Vision”. Department of Mathematics and Humanities, M.M. (Deemed to be University), Mullana-Ambala, India. 28th April 2022(01 day)
05 National Webinar on “Transformative Pathways in Higher Education-Pedagogical Futures” Xavier Board of Higher Education in India. 26th March 2022(01 day)
06 National Webinar on “Mathematics & Ramanujan” Department of Mathematics, Sarada Vilas College, Mysuru. 27th Dec 2021(01 day)
07 Symposium on “Recent Advances in Fractional Calculus” Department of Mathematical Sciences, CHARUSAT, Gujarat, India. 30th Sep & 1st Oct.2021(2 days)
08 National Webinar on “Mathematics Using Python”. Department of Mathematics,JSS College for Women,Saraswathipurum,Mysuru 24th Sept.(01 day)
09 Workshop On Educational Reforms. Chitkara University,Chandigarh.India 26th to 28th July 2021(3 days)
10 National Webinar on “Talk on National Education Policy, 2020”on implementation of the policy for technical education in the country. Faculty Development Cell, AICTE
11 International Webinar on Computational Mathematics and Data Science-AI & Data Science Cluster. IITM Research Initiative Spotlight. 26th July 2021(01 day)
12 National Webinar on “Future Challenges in Higher Education” An IQAC initiative by JSS College for Women, Chamarajanagar. 20th July 2021(01 day)
13 State level webinar on “Statistic & Analytics” Department of Computer Science & Engineering, JSS TECHNICAL INSTITUTES. 11-01-2021 to 13-01-2021 (3 days)
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