
A Degree Programme With equal focus on Education and skill.

Skill-based education is more significant in the current times. Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc) is envisaged in a way where the thrust is given on skill based application studies along with that of theoretical knowledge. This course is an ideal blend of both Skill and General Education.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has launched a scheme on skill development based higher education as part of college/university education, leading to Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc). However, unlike the traditional UG courses, B.Voc curriculum is often mapped with job role descriptions as per National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). Since the curriculum is industry and work-integrated and for some reason, if you are unable to complete the 3-year program, you can still obtain a Diploma and advanced Diploma (or equivalent) after completion of the first and second year respectively. Hence, your knowledge and skills are valued at every level and you will be qualified for a suitable job, as per market requirements. You can even explore becoming an entrepreneur in your domain

B.Voc degree is equivalent to any other bachelor’s degree granted by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

B.Voc in Media & Entertainment is a 3 year programme focused on the current trends in media industry along with changing communication technologies to meet the requirements. The Programme provides an opportunity to study all the aspects related to Media & Mass Communication. Students undergo training in the Print Journalism, Photography, Visual communication, Advertising, Graphic designing, Public Relation, Technical Writing and cinematography. Department has well equipped audio-visual studio this helps students to learn multimedia production. This makes students confident to work on media platforms. As part of their curriculum students have to produce independent documentary films, short movies, radio production and advertising. The course makes it mandatory for students to undergo internship for a period of 30days to hone their skills. Internship is done in reputed media houses including Television, Radio, Ad Agencies, PR firms and many more.

Prioritizing on skill development completion of Media and Entertainment offers career with incredible opportunities in Anchoring, Reporting, Photography, Video Editing, Event planning and other arenas where communication forms the basis. Successful completion of this course makes the students eligible and efficient to pursue post-graduation, become entrepreneur or join the media houses.

 Course Description:

NSQF Level SkillComponent


General EducationCredits Total credits for award Normalcalendar


Exit Points /Awards Job Description
4 18 12 30 One Semester Certificate Copy Editor
5 36 24 60 Two Semesters Diploma Photojournalist
6 72 48 120 Four Semesters Advance Diploma  Graphic Designer, Technical Assistant
7 108 48 180 Six Semesters B.Voc Degree Director of Photography, Reporter , Video Editor

Distinctive features

  • No age limit
  • Multiple entry and multiple exit options
  • More than 60% course time is spent in skill based training
  • The programme is credit based which covers general education and vocational skills
  • Fully equipped Audio-Visual studio facilities for practicals
  • Emphasis on Domain skills, Communication skills, Computer application and employable skills

Eligibility Criteria

Pass in PUC or +2/ Diploma

Diploma holders in relevant field can take direct lateral entry admission to second year (Advanced Diploma) 

 Scope for Higher studies

The candidate will be eligible to pursue MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, MBA, MS Animation and M.Voc.



The course focuses on getting students trained in narrative photography which enables them to get a job in Newspaper or in a News agency

Graphic Designing

Training in industrial standard software like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.

News Anchoring

Students will be trained for news anchoring which makes them to face the camera and provides public speaking skills to accurately and concisely deliver the news.

Radio Production

Producing various radio programmes, it includes News Bulletin, Interview and producing radio advertisements etc.


The course gives training in general composition of a scene, the lighting of the set or location and camera angles and shots.

Video Editing

Students will be trained in video editing software’s to produce individual documentaries and video productions.


Media Industry – Print, Electronic, Broadcasting

Entertainment Industry

Human Resource Sector

Graphic Designing Industry

Present Faculty

Mr. Raviraj Vadigeri
Asst. Professor
View Profile

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BOS Minutes of the Meeting 2020:

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