Report on extension program Department of Commerce with two faculties and around 20 students (numbers restricted) visited girl’s orphanage having around 50 students (approx.) which is situated at Lashkar mohalla Mysore on 10-06-2023 Saturday at 3:30 pm. The intension of …
Opportunities in Malta Introduction Session on the opportunities for students in academia and industry in Global College, Malta. The session focuses on the college, what are the benefits in terms of cost and employability and on how it reveals a …
By Philo’s Rovers and Rangers Unit Introduction: Philo’s Rovers and Rangers unit of St. Philomena’s college, Mysore, in collaboration with the Mysore Municipal Corporation, organized a cleanup drive to commemorate World Environment Day on 5th June 2023. The event aimed …
The World Environment Day on 5th June 2023 was celebrated in a meaningful way by the Department of Environmental Studies by adopting the theme for 2023 # BeatPlasticPollution. It is imperative that we safeguard the health of our planet …