Prime Minister Narendra Modi digitally launched the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan(RUSA) projects from Sher-e-Kashmir International Convention Centre, Srinagar on 03rd February, 2019 through video conference. He launched the projects at St.Philomena’s College(Autonomous), Mysuru, digitally, coinciding with a symbolic function held in the conference hall in which Rev.Msgr.Leslie Moras, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Health Care, MDES, unveiled the plaque to mark the launching.
St.Philomena’s College(Autonomous), Mysuru has been selected to receive the funds from MHRD amounting to Rs.5.0 crores under the component 8 of RUSA 2.0 scheme. Speaking on the occasion Rev.Msgr.Leslie Moras said that four years ago, the institution had applied for RUSA grants by submitting the Institutional Development Proposal(IDP) under various components. Now, anticipating the funds to be released soon, the RUSA committee of the college must swing into action to execute the project as specified in the Action Plan, he said.
Dr.T.Ruth Shantha Kumari, Principal gave a detailed account of the RUSA project and the Action Plan to be executed.
The said programme was held in the conference hall of the college from 2pm to 5pm that witnessed around 130 participants including teaching faculty of both PG and UG along with students. The arrangements made for this programme include setting the video conference equipment ready for the digital launch, display of banners, a plaque of prescribed size and seating arrangement for the dignitaries and audience as per the guidelines received from the Karnataka State Higher Education Council(KSHEC), Bangalore. Although dignitaries such as Sri G.T.Deve Gowda, Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education and District In-Charge(Mysuru) ; Sri Pratap Simha, Hon’ble M.P (Kodagu-Mysuru); Sri Tanveer Sait, MLA, N.R.Constituency, Sri Marithibbegowda, MLC, Teachers’ constituency were invited, they did not make it to the programme.
Dr.Pramila, Special Officer, RUSA, Dept.of Collegiate Education, Mysuru; Rev.Dr.Bernard Prakash Barnis, Rector/Manager, St.Philomena’s College Institutions; Rev.Fr.Maria Xavier, Vice-Rector; Dr.Ravi J.D.Saldanha, RUSA coordinator; Ronald Prakash Cutinha, IQAC coordinator; Dr.Alphonsus D’Souza, Controlller of Examinations, were present.
The programme concluded with Mr.Ronald Prakash Cutinha proposing a vote of thanks.