   NameDr. A. Shivakumar  
03Department  Chemistry
04Qualification  M.Sc., Ph.D 
06Contact Number       Department (Intercom)  Mobile  Alt. Number  
07Email ID[email protected]  
08Experience ( no. of years)Teaching   15 yearsResearch   15yearsWork Experience   15 years
09Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 Sl. No.Conferences/Seminars /WorkshopsName of the Institute/UniversityDate & Duration
 01GREEN METHODS FOR SEPARATION, PURIFICATION AND NANOMATERIAL SYNTHESISCentre for Nano and Material Sciences, Jain University, bangalore24-25th April 2018
 02UNIVERSITY AND PG TEACHERS TRAINING PROGRAMMEIndian Institute of Science, Challakere, Chitradurga19th June to 9th July 2017
 03RECENT TRENDS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRYSt. Philomena’s college, Mysore11th March 2017
 04NUCLEAR ENERGY IN INDIA-A BOON OR BANESt. Philomena’s college, Mysore and BRNS-Mysore chapter29/03/2016 and 30/03/2016
 05AUTONOMY AND CURRICULUM ENHANCEMENTSt. Philomena’s college, Mysore20/02/2016
 06EMERGING TRENDS IN CHEMISTRYSt. Philomena’s college, Mysore11/03/2016  and 12/03/2016
 07CLIMATE CHANGE-INCONVENIENT TRUTHS STATUS AND WAY FORWARDSt. Philomena’s college, Mysore09/04/2015 to 11/04/2015
 08BIO-INORGANIC AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRYNational Institute of Engineering, Mysore28/01/2015
 10NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRYDOS in Chemistry, University of Mysore29/12/2014 to 31/12/2014
 12TEACHERS ROLE IN HIGHER EDUCATION: NEW CHALLENGESSt. Philomena’s college, Mysore28/11/2013
 13FIRST INDO-US LECTURE SERIES ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRYIndo-US Science and Technology Forum and Department of Science Technology08/01/2007 to 11/01/2007
10Papers Presented/ at various conferences/Seminars. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 S. No.Conference/SeminarTitle of the paperPlace and Dates
 01NACEAC-2009  Hydroxyl radical trapping power of antioxidants by the peroxidase assisted coupling of 2, 4-dimethoxyaniline: A novel approachUniversity of Mysore 31st July-1st August 2009
 02NCMNIS—2009Peroxidase Catalyzed Oxidative Coupling of 3-Methyl-2-benzothiazolinonehydrazone hydrochloride with 10, 11-dihydro-5H-benz(b,f)azepine for the Estimation of Glucose in Human Serum SamplesKuvempu University, Shimoga/ 16-17th January, 2009
 03121st international AOAC conferenceModified ninhydrin method for the assay of INH in pure and drug formulationAnaheim, California, USA/16-20th September, 2007
 04121st international AOAC conferenceDevelopment of selective and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the trace determination of Thallium (III) using MBTH and NEDA,Anaheim, California, USA/16-20th September, 2007
11Research Articles  Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the paperJournal and ISSN No.Month/Year
 01List is attached in the end
12Book/ chapter in Books Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the Book/Publisher and ISBN No.Month/Year
 01List is attached in the end
 SL. No.Title of the project- Minor/ majorAgency sponsored Month and year
14Resource Person
 SL. No.College/ UniversityTopicsDate
 01List is attached in the end

List of Research publications (in the Chronological order)

  1. Ravishankar. H. S, Honnurkrishna, Shivakumar. A, Nikhil. Y. G, Mahesh.K.S, Mahesh Lohith. K.S, Avinask. K, Oxalic acid capped tungsten oxide nanozyme mimicking peroxidase activity, its synthesis characterization, and kinetic data validation via spectrophotometric studies, Nano-structures and Nano-objects, 2024, 40, 101340
  2. Shivakumar, A.; Krishna, H.; Rajesh. B. M.; Electrostatic Potential Mapping of Ascorbic Acid and Dimethoxyaniline for the Antioxidant Evaluation Capacity. Monatshefte für Chemie – Chem. Mon. 2023, 154, 741-754.
  3. Krishna, H.; Avinash, K.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K.,; Vijayalakshmi. A. E.,  A Simple Uric Acid Assay by Using 3-Hydroxytyramine as a Chromogenic Colorimetric Sensor in Human Serum Samples: Density Functional Theory Supported Mechanistic Approach. J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 2023, 70 (4), 894–908.
  4. Krishna, H.; Avinash, K.; Shivakumar, A.; Al-tayar, N. G. S.; Shrestha, A. K., A quantitative method for the detection and validation of catalase activity at physiological concentration in human serum, plasma and erythrocytes. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2021, 251, 119358.
  5. Shivakumar, A.; Reena, R.; Moksha, M.; Tinto, A.; HonnurKrishna, Andrographis paniculata-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles: antimicrobial properties and computational studies. SN Applied Sciences 2020, 2, 1618.
  6. Shivakumar, A., Colorimetric Analytical Probe for Determination of Formaldehyde and its Validation using a Single Reagent. Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry 2020, 9, 1-4.
  7. Shivakumar, A.; Yogendra Kumar, M., Critical Review on the Analytical Mechanistic Steps in the Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 2018, 48, 214-236.
  8. Shivakumar, A.; Rego, R.; Thejaswini, H., A Birds Eye View of Nanotechnology in Medicine. J Clin Nutr Diet 2017, 3, 20.
  9. Shivakumar, A.; Nagaraja, P.; Naef Ghllab Saeed, A.-T.; Ashwinee Kumar, S., Ninhydrin-sodium molybdate chromogenic analytical probe for the assay of amino acids and proteins. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2017, 173, 897-903.
  10. Shivakumar, A.; Jashmitha, B.; Dhruvaraj, M., Role of Peroxidase in Clinical Assays: A Short Review. Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics 2017, 3, 1-7.
  11. Chamaraja, N. A.; Shivakumar, A.; Chidan Kumar, C. S.; Praveen Kumar, C. B.; KumaraSwamy, N., Spectrophotometric determination of peroxidase using N, N-diethyl-p-phylenediamine sulphate and 3-Aminophenol as a chromogenic reagent: Application of the method to seeds of some fruits. Chemical Data Collections 2017, 11–12, 84-95.
  12. Avinash, K.; Nagaraja, P.; Shivakumar, A.; KrishnaHonnur, Spectrophotometric assay of creatinine in human serum sample. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2017, 10, S2018-S2024.
  13. Padmarajaiah, N.; Chamaraja, N. A.; Krishna, H.; Narayanan, A.; Shivakumar, A., Development and kinetic validation of bio-catalatic pathway for the quantification of catalase activity using 3-methyl-2 benzothiazolinehydrazone hydrochloride and pyrocatechol as a chromogenic co-substrates. International Journal of Bio-Technology and Research (IJBTR) 2014, 1, 9-22.
  14. P. Nagaraja; N.A. Chamaraja; A. Shivakumar; Honnurkrishna, A Spectrophotometric Method for the Assay of Peroxidase Using Para-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride and Iminodibenzyl as Chromogenic Reagents: Applications in Some Plant Sources. Chemical science review and letters 2014, 3, 1068-1079.
  15. Nagaraja, P.; Aradhana, N.; Suma, A.; Shivakumar, A.; Chamaraja, N. A., Quantification of antioxidants by using chlorpromazine hydrochloride: application of the method to food and medicinal plant samples. Analytical Sciences 2014, 30, 251-256.
  16. Krishna, H.; Nagaraja, P.; Shivakumar, A.; Chamaraja, N. A.; Aradhana, N., Quantification and evaluation of kinetic bio-catalytic pathway of horseradish peroxidase in an electron mediated reaction system and its applications in plant extracts. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2013, 102, 75-81.
  17. Krishna, H.; Nagaraja, P.; Shivakumar, A.; Avinash, K.; Lingaiah, V., Hydroxylation of 4-Amino-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic Acid Monosodium Salt Catalysed by Horseradish Peroxidase and Hydrogen Peroxide: Computation of Kinetic Parameters Including Its Application to Crude Plant Extracts. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2013, 60, 452-459.
  18. Nagaraja, P.; Suma, A.; Aradhana, N.; Shivakumar, A.; Avinash, K.; Krishna, H., Quantification of Antioxidants in Medicinal Plants and Foodstuffs Using Ce (IV) with Indigo Carmine as Chromogenic Probe. Food Analytical Methods 2012, 5, 909-919.
  19. Nagaraja, P.; Krishna, H.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K., Development of quantitative enzymatic method and its validation for the assay of glucose in human serum. Clinical biochemistry 2012, 45, 139-143.
  20. Nagaraja, P.; Avinash, K.; Shivakumar, A.; Krishna, H., Quantification of creatinine in biological samples based on the pseudoenzyme activity of copper–creatinine complex. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2012, 92, 318-324.
  21. Nagaraja, P.; Aradhana, N.; Suma, A.; Chamaraja, N. A.; Shivakumar, A.; Ramya, K. V., Amaranth dye in the evaluation of bleaching of cerium (IV) by antioxidants: Application in food and medicinal plants. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2012, 95, 505-510.
  22. Shivakumar, A.; Nagaraja, P.; Chamaraja, N. A.; Krishna, H.; Avinash, K., Determination of catalase activity using chromogenic probe involving iso-nicotinicacidhydrazide and pyrocatechol. Journal of biotechnology 2011, 155, 406-411.
  23. Nagaraja, P.; Shrestha, A. K.; Shivakumar, A.; Al-Tayar, N. G. S.; Gowda, A. K., Spectrophotometric determination of catecholamine using vanadium and eriochrome cyanine r. Química Nova 2011, 34, 373-376.
  24. Nagaraja, P.; Shrestha, A. K.; Shivakumar, A.; Al-Tayar, N. G. S., Molybdate Assisted Ninhydrin Based Sensitive Analytical System for the Estimation of Drugs Containing Amine Group. Journal of Food & Drug Analysis 2011, 19, 85-93.
  25. Nagaraja, P.; Krishna, H.; Shivakumar, A.; Paulas, A. R.; Rangappa, D., Quantification of ultra-trace molybdenum using 4-amino-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2, 7-disulfonic acid monosodium salt as a chromogenic probe. Analytical Biochemistry 2011, 411, 300-302.
  26. Shivakumar, A.; Nagaraja, P.; Aradhana, N.; Gowda, A. K., Kinetic Study of Peroxidase‐Catalyzed Coupling of Benzene‐1, 4‐diamine and N‐(2‐Aminoethyl) naphthalen‐1‐amine: Development of Micromolar Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction System. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2010, 93, 1227-1237.
  27. Nagaraja, P.; Shrestha, A. K.; Shivakumar, A.; Gowda, A. K., Spectrophotometric determination of chloroquine, pyrimethamine and trimethoprim by ion pair extraction in pharmaceutical formulation and urine. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 2010, 18.
  28. Nagaraja, P.; Shrestha, A.; Shivakumar, A.; Gowda, A., Use of N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulphate for the spectrophotometric determination of some phenolic and amine drugs. Acta pharmaceutica 2010, 60, 217-227.
  29. Nagaraja, P.; Avinash, K.; Shivakumar, A.; Dinesh, R.; Shrestha, A. K., Simple and sensitive method for the quantification of total bilirubin in human serum using 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride as a chromogenic probe. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2010, 77, 782-786.
  30. Nagaraja, P.; Al-Tayar, N. G. S.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K.; Gowda, A. K., A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amounts of nitrite in environmental and biological samples using 4-amino-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2, 7-disulphonic acid monosodium salt. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2010, 75, 1411-1416.
  31. Anantharaman, S.; Rangappa, D.; Krishna, H.; Nagaraja, P., Development and kinetic validation of an assay for the quantitative determination of peroxidase: Application in the detection of activity in crude plant tissues. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2010, 47, 243-248.
  32. Nagaraja, P.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K., Peroxidase-catalyzed oxidative coupling of paraphenylenediamine with 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid: application in crude plant extracts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009, 57, 5173-5177.
  33. Nagaraja, P.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K., Quantification of hydrogen peroxide and glucose using 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinonehydrazone hydrochloride with 10, 11-dihydro-5H-benz (b, f) azepine as chromogenic probe. Analytical Biochemistry 2009, 395, 231-236.
  34. Nagaraja, P.; Shivakumar, A.; Kumar Shrestha, A., Development and evaluation of kinetic spectrophotometric assays for horseradish peroxidase by catalytic coupling of paraphenylenediamine and mequinol. Analytical Sciences 2009, 25, 1243-1248.
  35. Nagaraja, P.; Al-Tayar, N. G. S.; Shivakumar, A.; Shresta, A. K.; Gowda, A. K., Rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of the trace amount of thallium (III) in water and urine samples by new oxidative coupling reaction. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society 2009, 53, 201-208.
  36. Nagaraja, P.; Al-Tayar, N.; Shivakumar, A.; Shresta, A.; Gowda, A. K., Spectrophotometric Determination of the Trace Amount of Thallium in Water and Urine Samples by Novel Oxidative Coupling Reaction. Journal of Chemistry 2009, 6, 1153-1163.
  37. Nagaraj, P.; Aradhana, N.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K.; k Gowda, A., Spectrophotometric method for the determination of chromium (VI) in water samples. Environmental monitoring and assessment 2009, 157, 575-582.
  38. Nagaraja, P.; Al-Tayar, N. G. S.; Shivakumar, A., Development of a selective and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the trace determination of thallium (III) using 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride and N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. Journal of AOAC International 2008, 91, 1116-1123.
  39. Nagaraj, P.; Prakash, J.; Shivakumar, A.; Shrestha, A. K., Sensitive spectrophotometric methods for the assessment of nitrite in water sample. Environmental monitoring and assessment 2008, 147, 235-241.
  40. Nagaraja, P.; Naik, S. D.; Shrestha, A. K.; Shivakumar, A., Spectrophotometric method for the estimation of pindolol. The Indian pharmacist 2007, 6, 75-78.
  41. Nagaraja, P.; Naik, S.; Shrestha, A.; Shivakumar, A., A sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of sulfonamides in pharmaceutical preparations. Acta pharmaceutica 2007, 57, 333-342.
  42. Nagaraja, P.; Arun kumar, H. R.; Naik, S.; Shrestha, A. K.; Shivakumar, A., Spectrophotometric method for the determination of sulfonamide class of drugs in pharmaceutical preparations The Indian pharmacist 2007, 6, 76-80.

Books published

1.           Shivakumar, A.; Krishna, H., Graphene: An Insight Into Electrochemical Sensing Technology. Monoelements: Properties and Applications 2020, 169-233. (


1.           Training On Emerging Pedagogies And Assessment Practices In Chemistry At Senior Secondary Level For Teachers Of Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu, Pondicherry, Karnataka From  Nov 22nd -28th , 2011 At RIE, Mysore (Co-Ordinator-Prof .T. J. Vidyapati)

2.           Training on emerging pedagogies and assessment practices in chemistry at senior secondary level for teachers of Lakshadweep and Kerala from  Dec 8-14th , 2011 at RIE, Mysore  (Co-ordinator- Dr. P. Tamilselvan)

3.           Training of teachers in setting up micro scale chemistry laboratory at senior secondary schools from Jan 4-6th 2017 at RIE, Mysore (Co-ordinator- Dr. M. S. Shrimathi)

4.           Resource person for three day workshop on“Updating and digitization of the Resource materials in science for secondary school teachers- stage II”organized by Regional institute of Education, Mysore held between 26 to 28th December 2018 (Co-ordinator-Dr. P. Tamil selvan)

5.           Resource person for five day training programme on “Capacity building in Physics and Chemistry for the secondary (XI and XII) school KRPs of the southern region” organized by Regional institute of Education, Mysore held between 13 to 17th December 2021 (Co-ordinators- Dr. M. S. Shrimathi and Dr. Raman Namboodiri CK)

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