
Designation:  Assistant Professor

Department: PG Department of Chemistry

Qualification: MSc., Ph.D., K-SET

email ID: [email protected]

Experience: Teaching – 06 Years

                      Research -09 Years

09 Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended.
  Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars


Name of the Institute/University Date & Duration
  01. Current Trends in Materials Science held at PG Department of Chemistry,

Bharathi College, Bharathinagara

  02. Recent trends in research methodology and handling chemicals in Laboratory PG Department of Chemistry Saradavilas college Mysore- 2017
  03. Emerging trends in NANO Chemistry MMK and SDM

MahilaMahaVidhyalaya. Mysore

  04. Energy-mix: Need for the nation NIE, Mysore-


       05. National webinar on “Development of Higher Education in India- An


organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

held on 16 th

April 2020.

  06. National workshop on “Development of Teachers e-kit CHEMISTRY” organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

on 21 st April 2020.
  07. National webinar on “Re-engineering Higher Education: A Seamless Knowledge

Management System for the University.”

organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

22 nd April 2020.
  08. National webinar on “Roles of Teachers in Technology Driven Higher


organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

on 25 th

April 2020.

  09. National webinar on “Towards Excellence in Higher Education in india in the

21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities”

organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

29 th April 2020.
  11. National webinar on “Women in higher education: issues and challenges during

corona pandemic”

organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

27 th May 2020
  12. National webinar on “Promotional Avenues for Teaching in Higher Education:

CAS Regulation- 2018”

organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre SGTB

Khalsa college. University of Delhi under (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD

05 th September 2020.
  13. UGC Sponsored one day national conference on research advancement in chemical


JSS College arts, commerce and science, Mysuru. 2017
  14. National conference on cancer biology DOS In Biochemistry MGM, 2015
  15. Advanced functional materials for energy, environment and healthcare(AFMEEHC) Vijnanbhavan, UOM, MGM-2019 2019
  16. International conference on Frontiers in materials from basic science to real-time

applications (F2DM-2019)

CNMS-JAIN University, Bengaluru, 2019
  17. International symposium on chemical biology held at Chemical biology society


DOS Biochemistry, MGM-2015 2015
  18. Two-days FDP on ‘Teaching and Learning’ for the benefit of teaching faculty of

St. Philomena’s College, Mysore

SDMIMD, Mysuru. July 2  3, 2019,
  19. Two weeks FDP on Managing online classes and co-creating MOOCs Teaching learning center and research development and service cell Ramanujan

College, University of Delhi

(18 th May – 03 rd June)-2020
  20. One weeks FDP on Open source tools for research Teaching learning center and research development and service cell Ramanujan

College, University of Delhi

June-08-14 th ,2020
  21. Orientation workshop on Swayam courses organized by Digital learning and

monitoring cell

UOM, MGM-2019 2019
  22. Successfully completed a 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for "Faculty in

Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education" "Faculty in

Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education"

Teaching learning center and research development and service cell Ramanujan

College, University of Delhi

June 26 – July24, 2020
10 Papers Presented at various conferences/Seminars.
  S. No. Title of the paper Conference/Seminar & Place Dates
  01 Poster presentation at National conference on “Recent trends in material science” Field Marshal K. M .cariappa college, Madekeri 2019
  02 Paper presented at 103 rd Indian science congress DOS in Chemistry, MGM,


11 Acted as a Resource Person seminars/conferences/workshops.
  S. No. College/ University Topics Date
  01. SDM, MDK College, Mysore NMR Spectroscopy 8th july 2019