
Staff Profile


01 Name Dr. SOWMYA P
02 Designation Assistant Professor
03 Department SOCIOLOGY
04 Qualification MA, PhD Specialization: Sociology
06 Contact Number


07 email ID [email protected]
08 Experience

(No. of years)

Teaching Research Work Experience
13 03 Ø Professional Counselor (Jun 2007- Aug2009) – Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement.

Ø Research Consultant (Jul 2002-Mar 2003)-MIECL-CRCS- New Delhi, a joint venture between International Finance Corporation and NIIT Ltd.

Ø Research Assistant (Sep 2001-May 2002)-Project: India Eco Development Project- Sponsored by World Bank and Karnataka Forest Department- Nagarahole National Park.

09 Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended

(Fill in the chronological order)

  Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars


Name of the Institute/University Date & Duration
01 National Seminar on ‘Climate change and Disaster Management’ SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Mysore. 6th March 2010
02 International Peace Conference-3 on the theme ‘Youth for World Peace’ SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Mysore. 6th August 2010
03 International colloquium on ‘Talent Farming: The Emerging Global Higher Education Scenario’ SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Mysore.  

7th August 2010


04 National seminar on ‘Dimensions of Urbanization and Development in India’ SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Mysore Jointly with SIUD. 24-25th March 2011
05 State level seminar on ‘Missing Girls and Women- Issues and implications’ Karnataka State Commission for Women, Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru and CSSEIP, Manasagangothri, Mysore. 24- 24th January 2012
06 International Conference in Medical Sociology on ‘Social Justice and Health Inequality’ Madras Medical Mission, Chennai.


19-20th April 2012
07 National Workshop titled Developments in Statistical Methods for Data Analysis of Excluded Groups’ CSSEIP, Manasagangothri, Mysore.


20-21st March 2014
08 International conference on ‘Ethnicity, Discrimination and Social Exclusion of Minorities and margins; Post-Colonial Debates’ CSEIP, Manasagangothri, Mysore. 18-19th December 2014
09 State level seminar on ‘Welfare State and Democracy’ Maharani Women College for Arts, Mysore. 3rd November 2015
10 State level Seminar on “Strategies for improving college teaching and learning” Government first grade college, Bannur. 15th March 2017
11 Workshop on “Revised UG Syllabus of Sociology” Department of Sociology, Manasagangothri and University of Mysore Sociology Teachers Association, Mysore. 5th August 2017
12 State level Seminar on Divorce in India: Emerging Trends and Practices Bharathi College, Mandya 4th October 2017
13 State level Seminar on Globalization and Social Dimensions of Development: Processes and Concerns Manasagangothri, Mysore. 8th February2018
14 Faculty development program on ‘Teaching and Learning’ SDMIMD and Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) of St. Philomena’s college (autonomous) 2-3rd July 2019
15 National seminar on Democracy: An Educational Urgency in Multi-cultural and Multi-Religious Contexts Centre for Education beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC), Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore 11-12th February 2020
10 Papers Presented at various conferences/Seminars

(Fill in the chronological order)

  Sl. No. Title of the paper Conference/Seminar & Place Date & Duration
01 Disparities in health: Role of NGO’S in working for Equality National level seminar on ‘Health Inequities and Developmental Challenges’ organized by Karnatak University, Dharwad. 12-13th March 2010
02 Health Disparities: Role of Civil Societies in Promoting Health National level seminar on ‘Economic Development and Socio-Cultural Change in the era of Globalization’ at Central Institute of Indian languages, Mysore. 25-27th March 2010


03 Arogya Varthaneyalli Kutumbada Patra Karnataka Sociological Conference on ‘Social Development in Karnataka Challenges and Possibilities’ organized by Karnataka Sociology Association and Kannada University, Hampi. 3-5thJuly 2010


04 State-NGO Partnership in Promoting Health Education Karnataka Sociological Conference on ‘Social Development   in Karnataka Challenges and Possibilities’ organized by Karnataka Sociology Association and Kannada University, Hampi. 3-5thJuly 2010


05 Problems of the modern families National conference of sociology on ‘Development Disparity and Civil Society in India’ organized by Karnataka Sociology Association at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga 30 -31st October 2017
06 Social Networking Sites and its impacts on society and was adjudged as the best paper presenter. National sociological conference of Sociology on   social transition issues and challenges organized by Karnataka Sociology Association at   Kannada university, Hampi. 31st August & 1st September 2018
07 Impact of HIV/AIDS on families and was adjudged as the best paper presenter. National sociology conference on the theme Science, Technology and Society: Responses, Reflections and organized by Karnataka Sociology Association at Karnatak university, Dharwad. 13-14th September 2019
11 Acted as a Resource Person seminars/conferences/workshops.

(Fill in the chronological order)

  SL. No. College/ University Topics Date
  01 Ananada Jyothi Network Awareness on Eshram Card  
  02 JSS LAW College (Autonomous) Social Disorganization: causes and consequences 15 June 2022
12 Awards and Recognition
  Sl. No. Awards / Recognition University/ Organization Date
01 First Rank in M.A Sociology University of Mysore 2001
02 Mahatma Gandhi Centenary Gold Medal in M.A Sociology University of Mysore 2001
03 Golden Jubilee Gold Medal in M.A Sociology University of Mysore 2001
04 Prof. C. Parvathamma felicitation Committee Gold Medal in M.A Sociology University of Mysore 2001
05 Smt. Guruthayamma memorial Cash Prize University of Mysore 2001
13 Paper Publications
  Sl. No. Title of the paper ISBN/ISSN Year
  01 The role of ICT for creative learning and innovative teaching published in Higher    Education in Digital Era-A Multidisciplinary Approach. 9789353009298 2018
02 Microfinance through SHG’s- a means for empowering rural women published in Role of    Panchayat Raj institutions in Rural Development. 978-93-82166-82-5 2017
03 Social policy in promoting health care: tackling HIV/AIDS published in Advances in     collaborative research, volume-III. 978-1534770188 2016
04 Women living with HIV/AIDS- Facing Stigma and Discrimination published in Living     Sociology Quarterly International Journal, 2(2). 2320-6357 2014
05 Utilizing Values to Promote Health- Tackling HIV Positive Stigma Discrimination     published in Indian Streams Research International Journal, Volume No. IV, Issue: X. 2330-7850 2014
06  The Growth and Role of NGOs in Providing Health Care Services published in Research     Link International Journal, Volume No. XIII (10) Issue: 129. 973-   1628 2014
14 Details of Webinars Participated
  Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars


Name of the Institute/University Date & Duration
1 one day level workshop on “ Model Curriculum- Sociology(UG) under NEP-2020”, Mysore University Sociology Teacher’s Association (MUSTA) and


Department of Studies in Sociology, University of Mysore, Mysuru Maharani’s Arts college for Women, Mysuru, 10th December, 2021.
2 Two day National Webinar on “ Sri Basaveshwara & Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar: The Architects of Egalitarian Indian Society”


Maharaja’s College, Department of Sociology and Internal Quality Assurance Cell 10th-11th August 2021.
3 National Webinar on Gender Equality & Development


DMS Mandal’s Bhaurao Kakatkar College, Belgaum  . June 29,2021
4 six-day lecture series on ‘Sociological Thinkers Theoretical Perspectives’ Teresian College, department of Sociology, IQSC in collaboration with  Department of sociology, Maharaja’s college, UOM 21-26th June 2021
5 National webinar on ‘Understanding Society: The Implications of Covid-19 on Families and Social Responsibilities’


   GFGC, Madhugiri 14th July 2020.
6 2nd International Webinar Series

“Forensic 2050: The Space X Moments of Forensic Science”

Department of Forensic Science, G .T. N. Arts College (Autonomous), Dindigul. 4th July 2020
7 National Webinar on Social Implications of COVID-19 Department of Sociology, Bangalore University. 27,29 & 30th June 2020
8 International Webinar on Effective Skills for Research and Publications In Social Sciences. P.G. Studies and Research In Sociology, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi. 26th  June 2020
9 National Webinar on Future of Higher Education with ongoing COVID-19 Sri K Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru 25th June  2020
10 National Webinar on Emerging Issues in Social Science Research. Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Govt College for Women (Autonomous), Mandya. 19th  June 2020
11 National Webinar on COVID-19 Issues and Challenges. Department of Sociology, Govt College for Women (Autonomous), Mandya. 15th  June 2020
12 National Webinar on Technological Impact of Human Psychology Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College 10 & 11th  June 2020
13 Gender Sensitization Issues and Concerns in the Pandemic. Department of Sociology, Teresian College, Mysuru. 10th June 2020
14 National Webinar on ‘Coping with COVID- 19 Teaching and Learning for Professional Excellence: Opportunities and Challenges. Department of Commerce and Management, St. Philomena’s college (Autonomous), Mysore. 5-6th  June 2020
15 Faculty Development Programme on creation of Google sites and OER. Department of Business Management 26th  May 2020
16 Preparing for online Teaching Sacred Heart College, Kochi May 21 2020



  • Trainings Undergone:

Attended seven days Basic Course for Ranger Leader from 25-31 October 2021 at Dr. Annie Besant Scout Training, Doddaballapur

  • Study material prepared:

Prepared chapters in M.A Sociology on Rural Society in India: Change and Development for Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), Manasagangothri, University of Mysore

  • Membership in Academic Societies:

Karnataka Sociology Association-Life member


  • Faculty Development Program:
  • Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “Promoting Research among Academicians” organized by the Research Committee in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of St.Philomena’s College from 22 June- 28 June 2022.
  • Six days National level Intercollegiate Faculty Development Programe on Out based Education organized by the Academic Section of the of St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) in association with IPSR solutions Limited from 30 August- 04 September 2021.
  • Participated in the Six days Faculty development Programme (FDP) on “Technology Supported Teaching and Evaluation” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of St.Philomena’s College in association with Campus Technology, Bengaluru from 19th July- 27th July 2021.
  • Participated in faculty development program on ‘Teaching and Learning’ on 2-3rd July 2019 organized by SDMIMD and Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) of St. Philomena’s college (autonomous), Mysore.







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