
 #998, 14th main, 4th cross   TK Layout Mysuru-09 

 Mail ID: [email protected]


To secure a challenging and respectable position in the organization where I can effectively contribute my skills as a professional, possessing competent technical skills and implementing it for the success of the organization in which I am working. . 


Company: Aikya Global-Media Communication  

 PR Company Bangalore -2013 

Duration: 30 days 

Job Profile:Public Relation  

I interned with ‘Aikya Global-Media Communication PR Company at Bangalore – 2013’ for one month. I was part of the company activities as a PR-Public Relation Management. 

Company: UMN Channel Electronic Media- Mysore Duration: 2 months 

Job Profile:Reporter 

I interned with ‘UMN channel electronic media ‘ for two month’s at 2012. During my internship, I have covered a number of assignments on politics, agriculture and education, civic and so on.  


• Ability to communicate effectively and interpret information. 

• Good communication skills both written and verbal.  

• Adaptability to Multi disciplinary profiles

Educational Qualification 

PH.D-  Doctor of Philosophy
College  Branch  YearManasa Gangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore  Communication and Journalism  2019-2023 
Post Graduation
Branch  College  Marks obtained YearCommunication and Journalism  Manasa Gangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore.  82.32%  2011- 2013
Bachelor of Arts : Branch- Journalism, Office Management ,Computer Practice
College  University  Marks obtained Year Maharaja College  University of Mysore  75.23 %  2008-2011
Pre -University:HUMANITIES – History, Geography ,Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies
College:  Board:  Marks obtained: Year Demonstration Central School  Dept of Pre-University Central Education Board.  59.33%  2006-2008

Research Work 

 My research works on Ph.D involved Social Media Platform for Participatory water Conservation Communication in India: An Evaluation. Guide: Dr.B.P.Mahesh Chandra guru, Research Supervisor, Dos in Journalism and Mass Communication UOM

  • BA – Journalism and Mass Communication curriculum design workshop – I had participated in the workshop, also a part of lesson panning and redesign.

Work Experiences 

  • Worked for “NAIPUNIYANIDI” Government Project  
  • Government degree college was handled subject of “Communicative English  Skills “at K R Nagar taluk Mysore District.- 2013
  • worked at “BANGALORE CITY COLLEGE “as Asst.Profesor for the subject Mass Communication and Journalism- 2014-19 
  • worked at Government first Grade College Vijayanagar bengaluru as a Guest Lecturer -2015 
  • Enrolled for Ph.D at Mysore University for the subject Mass Communication and Journalism under the guidance Prof. B.P.Mahesh Chandra Guru – 2019 onwords 

Subject taught with specializations

• Reporting and Editing 

• Mass communication 

• Advertisement 

• Corporate Communication/Public Relations 

  • MCJ –Mass Communication and Journalism  
  • *SAMPEMANE KRISHNMURTHY GOLD MEDAL –Highest marks in the subject “NEWS EDITING”. 
  • *THE LATE PURANIK GUNDACHARYA MEMORIAL PRIZE – Highest marks in the subject “News paper Business Management”. 
  • *SRI AGARAM RAMAIAH MEMORIAL – Highest marks in the subject of o “COMPARATIVE JOURNALISM”. 
  • EDITING Practice”. 
  • BA -1st year , Maharaja’s College Mysore  
    • CASH PRIZE AWARD for the highest marks scored in JOURNALISM  subject on 2010 college annual day function

Details of Publication of Books – 

Introduction to communication and Media part -1, Publisher by SUBHAS STORES BOOKS CORNER, Krishna building, Avenue road 2017 – Bangalore, English version. 

Media Law and Indian Constitution, Publisher by SUBHAS STORES BOOKS CORNER, krishna building, Avenue road-2019 – Bangalore, Kannada version. 

List of Publications  

• Sanshodhana Marga Published by Institute of Praja Vikasa Mysuru – Role and development of Mass communication tribal people in Karnataka – 2019.

 • Women Empowerment – Awakening of a New Era published by empyreal publishing house on Social and economic status of women domestic workers in Karnataka state: An evaluation -2020 

IMPACT JOURNAL –Internation journal of research in humanities Arts and Literature  published on water conservation communication in India : an exploration-2020 ISSN  (P):2347-4564:ISSN(E):2321-8878 

IJARR – International journal of advanced research and review published on Water  Governance in India : An Analysis ISSN no -2455-7277 IMPACT FACTORS:6.717

• 6th International E-Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development :  Emerging Trends participated and presented a paper titled on Water Conservation in India  : Sustainable Development Perspective – 2021. 

Seminars/ Conferences: 

✓ Alvas Nudisire- 2012, Kannada nadu nudiya rastriya samelana, Mudbidiri, Dakshina  Kannada, Karnataka. 

Prakriti -2012, a festival of Indian Documentary Films ON “Environment Development  and Human Rights, University of Mysore. 

Blitz -2013, a media festival at Dharwad University, Karnataka 

Journals: Worked in Manasa, Beacon and Mysore University Lab Journal in College days ✓ Area of Interest: Teaching and Research, Corporate sector.

Participated at PR BEYOND 20:20 14th Global Communication Conclave 2020 held at  bengaluru 2020. 

Participated at webinar “The role of community radio in reaching the unreached during the covid -19 lockdown : organized by the Department of Visual Communication  ,BMM and Media Arts. Loyola college- chennai 

One day national webinar on “ Changing issues and Concers of media “ organized by  Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication and IQAC Government college for Women  (Autonomous ) 2020 

Webinar on “Building Resilient communities during COVID-19 : Response action from  Media” conducted by the Department of Mental Health Education m NIMHANS – Bengaluru 2020. 

✓ Participated at 23rd UGC-CEC Education Video Competition and Prakriti Internation  Documentary Film Festival on Environment development EMMRC-Mysuru 2021.

 ✓ Two days Workshop attended collaboration with Karnataka science and technology  Academic bengaluru and vighna prasana- New Delhi had organied in the Dept.Mass  communication and journalism University of Mysore , Mysuru. 

✓ Jain college For Women – SHASUN Chennai workshop on community radio research – future and prospects – 2021 

✓ Sedc Internation webinar on Anti-Caste politics and Environmental justice chapter 6th by  Seshadripuram evening degree college – bengaluru. 

✓ Department of Journalism and Mass Communication ‘Press Day “ Webinar on “ MEDIA  EDUCATION AND PROSPECTS” by Mr.Dinesh amin mattu , senior journalist -2020

✓ Webinar on Brand and Reputation in the digital times by Parul University 2021.

 ✓ Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Mysore special lecture  on “ Recent development in kannada open knowledge and technology “ -2021

✓ Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Mysore Webinar on  Film Music by the Resource Person – by Naadha Brahma Hamsalekha -2021

 ✓ Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Mysore , topic on “  Media Education and its Challenges by resource person – 2021 

✓ HRDC, Gujarat university Ahmedabad topic on “ Media role during the pandemic at  Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Mysore- 2021.