The UG courses BA and BSc will be in CBCS pattern from the academic year 2018. The other existing courses are following CBCS since 2014. All the PG courses are CBCS pattern. One hour of teaching per week for 16/18 weeks is considered as one credit and two hours of tutorials / practical / project are considered as one credit.
Internal Assessment (IA):
- The Internal Assessment commonly known as continuous assessment will be carried out as per the regulations mentioned below. A student will be permitted to take the end semester examination only if he/she has completed the continuous assessment requirements. The internal assessment marks for theory shall be based on one test, assignments/ seminar/ project and class participation (Class Attendance). The test shall be of 90 minutes duration and will be held during the 8th week of the semester.
- The practical papers, in addition to one IA test, will have other components as prescribed for the course. For Internship/Industrial visit/Project IA components will be as prescribed for the course.
- There shall be no minimum for internal assessment (IA) marks and shall remain as a fixed component. A student who has failed or rejected the result shall retain the internal assessment marks and it will be carried forward as IA marks for the subsequent appearances.
- The theory papers without practical carrying 100 marks will have 03 hours of end semester theory examination for 80 marks and 20 marks for internal assessment (IA) and subjects with practical (except BCA & BTHM) will have 03 hours of end semester theory examination for 60/80 marks and 10/20 marks for internal assessment (IA). IA marks for theory papers are awarded as follows and are reduced to 10/20. Fractional marks if any will be rounded off to the next higher digit.
One Internal Assessment Test | 40 |
Home assignments | 20 |
Participation (Attendance) | 20 |
Quiz, Seminar, Project work, Internship, Educational visits etc | 20 |
Total | 100 |
Reduced to | 10/ 20 |
- There shall be no provision for improvement of IA marks in theory and practical subjects.
- Minimum for a Pass: No student will be declared to have passed the Semester Examination unless he/she obtains not less than 40% marks including internal assessment in theory and practical with a minimum of 30% marks in the end semester written examinations (theory and practical separately) without IA marks.
- A student who appears for both theory and practical end semester examinations together and if fails in theory but gets a minimum of 30% in practical paper and 40% including IA marks will be exempted from end semester practical examination. The marks scored in the exempted practical will be carried to the subsequent appearances of the theory examinations of that paper. Students who fail in practical and get pass marks in theory will be declared as failed in both theory and practical. The benefit of practical exemption is not extended to the students who do not appear for theory and practical end semester examination together.
- A student who fails in any subject shall appear only for that subject at any subsequent regular/supplementary examination within double the duration of the course. The student must obtain the minimum marks for a pass in that subject (Theory and Practical separately).
- NCL (Not completed lower examinations): The results of the students who pass in the VI semester examination but not the lower semester examinations shall be declared as NCL. Such students will be eligible for the degree, only after clearing all the lower semester examinations.
- Carry over: There will not be any restrictions for promotion from odd semester to even semester, provided the student has fulfilled the attendance requirements
- Provision for Drop Outs: Such of those students who have discontinued the course/ failed to take admission to the next semester, shall get admitted to the concerned semester in the immediate next academic year only. This provision is available to a student only two times in the entire duration of the course.
- Classification of successful students: The results of successful students at the end of VI semester will be classified on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in all 6 semesters. Declaration of class on the basis of percentage of Aggregate Marks.
- First Class with Distinction – 75% and above
- First Class – more than 60% but less than 75%
- Second Class – more than 50% but less than 60%
- Pass Class – more than 40% but Less than 50%
- Declaration of Rank: Only those students who pass all the semester examinations in the first attempt are eligible for Ranks, provided they secure 60% and above marks. Migrated and repeater students (including those who seek improvement) shall not be eligible for Rank. Ranks shall be declared for the number of persons equal to 10% of the total number of students appearing for any final semester examination (fractions being rounded off to the nearest integer as per convention), subject to a minimum of 1 and maximum of 10. (Provided there were at least five students registered for the examination). Rank will be declared on the basis of the aggregate of the total marks secured by a student in all the semesters. Ranks will be given from one onwards in the descending order of the total marks obtained in all the examinations considered for the purpose. In case of tie, the student who secures marks without grace or less grace is preferred for ranking/awarding Prizes / Medals .If more than one person is bracketed with the same marks, all of them will get the same rank which is the highest possible rank for them. Ex: If two persons are bracketed with the same marks for top position, both will get the same rank (Rank – 1) and so on. Rank certificate will be issued only up to Rank – 10. A student who passes the semester examinations in parts is eligible for only class and not for ranking.
- Rejection of Results: A student may be permitted to reject the result of the whole examination of any semester. Rejection of result paperwise /subjectwise is not permitted. A student who has rejected the result will appear for the examinations conducted immediately following Regular / Supplementary Examination of the semester concerned. The rejection will be exercised only once in each semester and the rejection once exercised cannot be revoked. A student who rejects the result is eligible for only class and not Ranking. Application for rejection along with the payment of the prescribed fee shall be submitted to the Examination Office together with the original statement of marks within 30 days from the date of publication of the result.
- Answer Script Seeing & Retotaling of Marks: Application to see and retotaling of marks along with the payment of the prescribed fee shall be submitted to the Controller together with the original statement of marks within 15 days from the date of publication of the result. Application submitted after 15 days will not be considered. The students shall apply to see & retotal their answer script only. The actual retotaled marks will only be considered and a revised marks statement shall be issued to the student.
- Revaluation of Answer Scripts: Application for revaluation of the answer scripts along with the payment of the prescribed fee shall be submitted to the Controller together with the original statement of marks within 15 days from the date of publication of the result. Application submitted after 15 days will not be considered. The average marks of the two valuations will be considered as marks secured by the student.
- If the difference between the marks awarded by the two examiners is more than 15% of the maximum marks of that paper, then the paper will be sent for third valuation. The average of the marks of nearest two valuations will be considered as marks secured by the student. However, if one of the three marks falls exactly midway between the other two, then the higher two marks will be taken for averaging.
- Seeing & Revaluation of Answer Script: Seeing & Revaluation of answer script shall be applied together. Revaluation of answer script after seeing is not allowed.