Exhibition titled “TECHNO EXPO 2022”
St.Philomena’s College(Autonomous), Mysuru
Department of Computer Science
Exhibition titled “TECHNO EXPO 2022”
The Department of Computer Science, St.Philomena’s College, Mysuru organized an Exhibition titled “TECHNO EXPO 2022” on 24th June 2022 . The inauguration started at 10:30 A.M in the College Auditorium with a prayer song by Cylvia Fernandes of 6th semester BCA and Sonia Jennifer of 6th BSc followed by welcome speech by Sonia Jennifer of 6BSc and Fiza Sheriff of 6 BCA.
The Exhibition was inaugurated by Rev.Fr.Dr.Bernard Prakash Barnis Rector and Chief Guest of the day acompanied by Rev.Fr.Maria Xavier, Vice Rector, Rev.Fr.John Paul Campus Administrator, Dr.Ravi J.D. Saldanha, the Principal, Dr. Alphonsus D’souza, Research Co-ordinator, Ronald Prakash Cutinha, IQAC Coordinator, and Prof. Sade Bose, Head, Department of Kannada.
The Exhibition started by unveiling of the Welcome Robot and with prayer by
Rev.Fr.Bernard Prakash Barnis, Rector, followed by a Presidential Address by Dr.Ravi J.D. Saldanha, the Principal St. Philomena’s College.
Totally 20 models like Smart stick for blinds , Rescue Robot , Automation Demonstration , Finger Print enabled Locker System etc., were prepared and demonstrated by the students.
Students from various schools and colleges visited the Exhibition. The Exhibition was a great success with more than 400 participants (including teaching faculties, BCA, BSC and High School students from various schools and colleges) and gave their valuable Feedback and it is an eye opener to all the stakeholders who have actively involved in this
The Project Models were judged by Rev.Fr.John Paul campus Administrator, Mr. Ronald Prakash Cutinha, IQAC Co-ordinator, Prof. Gunasheelan, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, St. Philomena’s College, Mysuru.