Name: Fathimunnisa Begum
Designation: Head of the Department
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil
Completed M.Phil from University of Mysore, Manasagangotri in M.N. Syed as short story writer.
Details of seminars and conference attended:
- Two day national seminar cum workshop on “Testing and Evaluation” organized by the Dept. of English in Teresian College on 27th May 2009.
- Kannada samskruthi habba mattu bhasha bhavaikya samavesha on 10th May 2010 organized by department of Kannada in St Philomena’s College, Mysore.
- Two day national level workshop on 23rd and 24th of april 2010 organized by the department of Zoology at St Philomena’s College.
- GopalaKrishna Adiga-Ondhu punaravalokana conference on 13th April 2011 at St Philomena’s College.
- UGC sponsored orientation programme org anized by academic staff college university of Mysore from 7th December 2012 to 3rd January 2013.
- One day workshop on Herbal remdies for vibrant health organized by the department of Botany, St Philomena’s College on 24th February 2014.
- Refresher course in the subject Indian Literature (Urdu) organiuzed by academic staff college University of Mysore on 21th January 2014 to 17th February 2014.
- Presented a paper on “Jaganath Azad ki Adabi Khidmath “ in a two day national seminar on the contribution of non-Muslim writers to Urdu Language and Literature in Karnataka Arts College Dharwad on 18th and 19th October 2014.
- Tree day international conference on Climate change- Inconvenient truths on April 2015 organized by St Philomena’s College.
- Presented a paper on ‘Comparison between kannada poet Kuvempu and Iqbal poetry” inTwo day national seminar on social problems in the literature of Indian languages organized by C Abdul Hakim College (Autonomous) Maelvisharam, Vellore on 28th and 29th March 2016.
- National seminar on the changing scenario of Urdu language and literature organized by DOS in Urdu, manasagangotri, Mysuru on 12th May 2016.
- National workshop for woman on Natural language processing at Linguistic data Consortium for Indian Languages, CIIL Mysore on 21st to 28th July 2016.
- One day National seminar on Adeebul Mulk Moulana Shah Abul Hassan Adeeb Hayath aur Khidmaat sponsored by Karnataka Urdu Academy Bangalore on 4th March 2017.