
Name: Fathimunnisa Begum

Designation: Head of the Department

Qualification: M.A.,  M.Phil

            Completed M.Phil from  University of Mysore, Manasagangotri in M.N. Syed as short story writer.

Details of seminars and conference attended:

  1. Two day national seminar cum workshop on “Testing and Evaluation” organized by the Dept. of English in Teresian College on 27th May 2009.
  2. Kannada samskruthi habba mattu bhasha bhavaikya samavesha on 10th May 2010 organized by department of Kannada in St Philomena’s College, Mysore.
  3. Two day national level workshop on 23rd and 24th of april 2010 organized by the department of Zoology at St Philomena’s College.
  4. GopalaKrishna Adiga-Ondhu punaravalokana conference on 13th April 2011 at St Philomena’s College.
  5. UGC sponsored orientation programme org anized by academic staff college university of Mysore from 7th December 2012 to 3rd January 2013.
  6. One day workshop on Herbal remdies for vibrant health organized by the department of Botany, St Philomena’s College on 24th February 2014.
  7. Refresher course in the subject Indian Literature (Urdu) organiuzed by academic staff college University of Mysore on 21th January 2014 to 17th February 2014.
  8. Presented a paper on “Jaganath Azad ki Adabi Khidmath “ in a two day national seminar on the contribution of non-Muslim writers to Urdu Language and Literature in Karnataka Arts College Dharwad on 18th and 19th October 2014.
  9. Tree day international conference on Climate change- Inconvenient truths on April 2015 organized by St Philomena’s College.
  10. Presented a paper on ‘Comparison between kannada poet Kuvempu and Iqbal poetry” inTwo day national seminar on social problems in the literature of Indian languages organized by C Abdul Hakim College (Autonomous) Maelvisharam, Vellore on 28th and 29th March 2016.
  11. National seminar on the changing scenario of Urdu language and literature organized by DOS in Urdu, manasagangotri, Mysuru on 12th May 2016.
  12. National workshop for woman on Natural language processing at Linguistic data Consortium for Indian Languages, CIIL Mysore on 21st to 28th July 2016.
  13. One day National seminar on Adeebul Mulk Moulana Shah Abul Hassan Adeeb Hayath aur Khidmaat sponsored by Karnataka Urdu Academy Bangalore on 4th March 2017.


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