01NameFr Richard Menezes  
02DesignationHOD,Assistant Professor
03Department  Life Skills
04Qualification  MA (Philophy), MSc (Psychology), Mth (Masters in Theology)Specialization: Philosophy, Mysticism, Formation, Psychology
05KSET/NET/PhDPursuing Phd in Philosophy
06Contact Number      9632641901Department (Intercom)                       –Mobile    Alt. Number  
07Email ID  [email protected]
08Experience ( no. of years)Teaching   11Research   2Work Experience   2013 onwards
09Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 Sl. No.Conferences/Seminars /WorkshopsName of the Institute/UniversityDate & Duration
 01Workshop: Character FormationEmmaus, GoaTwice a Year Since 3 years
 02Workshop: MysticismPushpashrama, Dhyana Sadhana, MysuruEvery Year
10Papers Presented/ at various conferences/Seminars. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 S. No.Title of the paper (PUBLISHED)Conference/Seminar & PlaceDates
 01Formation as a journey from Knowing to WillingGregorian University, Rome, 2019June, 2019
 02Book: Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin (Kannada)2015 
 03Magadomme Nodidaga, a collection of poems (Kannada)  
 04 A blog of Poems  
11Acted as a Resource Person seminars/conferences/workshops. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 S. No.College/ UniversityTopicsDate
12Awards and Recognition
 S. No.Awards / RecognitionUniversity or Any OrganizationDate
 01Gold Medal in B.ComKSOU2008
 02Francis Danthi award for the Book Louis Martin and Zelie GuerinCatholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh ®2016