
01Name Harinakshi 
03Department   COMPUTER SCIENCE 
04Qualification   M.SC, M.PHIL, PGDHRM, PGDHESpecialization: COMPUTER SCIENCE   
06Contact Number      Department (Intercom)            08214240927                 –Mobile      Alt. Number     
07email ID    [email protected] 
08Experience ( no. of years)Teaching   26 YEARS 6 MONTHS Research NILL  Work Experience   26 YEARs 6 MONTHS  – 
09Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended. ( Fill in the chronological order ) 
 Sl. No.Conferences/Seminars /WorkshopsName of the Institute/UniversityDate & Duration 
 2Faculty Enrichment ProgramSt Philomena’s college (autonomous)mysuru1st and 2nd june 2018 (2 DAYS) 
 3FDP on Teaching and LearningSDMIMD02.07.2019 TO 03.07.2019 
 4Android ApplicationsDept. of computer science St Philomena’s college (autonomous)mysuru20/7/2018 (1 DAY) 
 5SAP- Yuva Yuga Training ProgramNASSCOM FOUNDATION2018-2019 
 6Indian Foreign Policy : Continuity Change in 21th CentuaryMAHARAJA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE25.03.2019 
 7Emerging Trends in Internet of ThingsJSS COLLEGE OF ARTS, COMMERCE AND SCIENCE, MYSORE09.03.2020 
 8National workshop on Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning and Deep LearningDEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, MANASAGANGOTRI, MYSORE18.11.2020 TO 20.11.2020 
 9Advanced Topics in Signals and Image ProcessingSHADAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY18.06.2020 TO 20.06.2020 
 10Legal Services Awareness and LockdownGOVT. COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, MANDYA01.06.2020 TO 02.06.2020 
 11  Virtual Tools to Aid EducatorsANNAI VEILANKANNI’S COLLEGE FOR WOMEN03.06.2020 
 12Coping with Covid-19 Teaching and Learning for Professional Excellence: Opportunities and ChallengesST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE05.06.2020 TO 06.06.2020 
 134th Industrial Revolution – the Digital age of Tourism and Hotel IndustryST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE11.06.2020 
 14Emerging Trends & Opportunities in Multidisciplinary Research with Methodology, Writing Skills and Publishing Research PaperALL INDIA RESEARCHERS’ ASSOCIATION, MYSORE29.11.2020 
 15Atma Nirbhar Bharat – Stimulus Package for Agriculture and MSMEsGSSS FIRST GRADE COLLEGE, MYSORE29.05.2020 
 16Advanced Networking TechnologiesSHADAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY13.06.2020 TO 15.06.2020 
 17Machine Learning and Data Science for Engineering ApplicationsSHADAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY05.06.2020 TO 10.06.2020 
 19COVID-19 Pandemic General Awareness ProgrammeDCE,  GOVT. FIRST GRADE COLLEGE, SALIGRAMA06.07.2020 
 21Making Teaching Learning Effective: Understanding Strategies and ApproachesUNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND RESEARCH, CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY05.12.2020 TO 09.12.2020 
 22Changing face of Higher EducationIQAC, NATIONAL COLLEGE, BASAVANAGUDI05.06.2020 
 23Energy Bands in Solids and Electrical Transport Properties of Metals and SemiconductorsDEPT.OF PHYSICS, ST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE23.11.2020 TO 28.11.2020 
 24Technological Impact on Human PsychologySRI BHAGAVAN MAHAVEER JAIN FIRST GRADE COLLEGE10.06.2020 TO 11.06.2020 
 25Communication in the Digital EraDEPT. OF JOURNALISM, ST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE10.11.2020 TO 12.11.2020 
 26Making Academic Writing Easy & Effective with Microsoft OfficePHARMASTATE ACADEMY27.12.2020 
 27E-workshop on research grant proposal writingPHARMASTATE ACADEMY13.12.2020 
 28Targeting Journals for PublicationsPHARMASTATE ACADEMY24.12.2020 
 29Self Reliant India : Opportunities & ThreatsST. PAULS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES, INDORE28.05.2020 
 30Intellectual Property RightsGOVT. COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, MANDYA17.06.2020 
 31Application of Statistical Techniques in Research : Parametric and Non-Parametric StatisticsAIRIO KARNATA CHAPTER20.02.2021 
 32FDP on Technology Supported Teaching and EvaluationST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE19.07.2021 TO 27.06.2021 
 33Outcome Based EducationST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE AND IPSR SOLUTIONS30.08.2021 TO 04.09.2021 
   34Implementation of national Education Policy-2020 in KarnatakaGOVT. FIRST GRADE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, HOLENARASIPURA21.09.2021 
 35Digital 101 JourneyNASSCOM15/11/2021 (15 DAY)   
 39Teaching EfficacyST. JOSEPH UNIVERSITY, NAGALAND AND SPECIAL MINDS14.02.2022 TO 27.02.2022 
 37Microsoft Azure FundamentalsICT ACADEMY16.02.2022 TO 18.02.2022 
 38Publishing in Scopus and We of Science Indexed JournalsKRISTU JAYANTI COLLEGE, BANGALORE09.03.2022 
   39Human Chromosomal Syndromes and their DiagnosisDEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, ST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE, MYSORE11.03.2022 
 40“LIFE OF PI”Dept. of Mathematics St Philomena’s college (autonomous)mysuru  14/3/2022 (1 DAY) 
 41Data Science DemystifiedSACRED HEART COLLEGE18.03.2022 
 42Data Analytics and Machine LearningMIZORAM UNIVERSITY AND NORTH-EAST HILL UNIVERSITY21.03.2022 TO 25.03.2022 
 43Transformative Pathways in Higher Education – Pedagogical FuturesXAVIER BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA26.03.2022 
 44Emerging and Innovative Approach in Management, IT and Communication in Teaching and ResearchIIMT COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT AND INDIAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION09.06.2022 to 15.06.2022 
 45Techno Expo 2022Department of Comp.Sc, SPC, Mysuru24.06.2022 
 46FDP on promoting research among academicainsIQAC, SPC, Mysuru22 to 28th June 2022 
 47. “Digital Transformation Sustainability And Well Being –A New Perspective”St.Philomenas college  9,10,11 February 2023 03 days 
 48Capacity Building Programme –A 6 Day FDP On Revisiting The NAAC Accreditation And Assessment Process In Autonomous Colleges In The Light Of NEPSt.Philomenas college  28.03.2023 to 1.04.2023 04 days 
 49Workshop On “Proposal Writing To Research Funding Agencies”St.Philomenas college  5.5.2023 01 day 
 50Recent Global Trends In Science, Technology, Commerce And ManagementSt. Anne’s Degree College, Kodagu19.05.2023 
 51One Day Workshop On Demystifying The Outcome Based Education,St Philomena’s College (Autonomous) Mysuru  St.Philomenas college  24/08/2023 01 day 
10Papers Presented/ at various conferences/Seminars. ( Fill in the chronological order ) 
 S. No.Title of the paper (PUBLISHED)Conference/Seminar & Place Dates  
 01EDA and its Impact in Dataset Discover Patterns in the Service Sector  Coimbatore, India21-23 September 2022 
 02Major Crisis in E-Waste Management and its Impact on  Environment: Role of Woman in Achieving  Sustainable Development in IndiaIndian Science Congress Association, Bangalore Chapter and Basudev Somani College, Kuvempunagar, Mysuru23-24 January, 2023 
 03International Conference on ICT and the idea of “Global Democracy” for international trade and human welfareSri. K Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysuru8th February 2023 
 04Storage Matched Systems for Single-Click Photo Recognition Using CNN  Greater Noida, India23-25 November 2023   
11Acted as a Resource Person seminars/conferences/workshops. ( Fill in the chronological order ) 
 S. No.College/ University TopicsDate 
12Awards and Recognition  
 S. No.Awards / RecognitionUniversity or Any OrganizationDate 

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