St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysore observed International Yoga Day “Yoga for self and society” on 21-6-2024. The programme was inaugurated by the Campus Administrator Rev. Fr. Jnana Pragasm, Assistant to Rector Fr. David and Principal Dr.Ravi JD Saldanha and IQAC co-ordinator Dr. Thomas Gunasheelan, PG co-ordinator Dr. Alphonsus D’zousa and by Vice Principal Administartion Mr. Ronald Prakash Cutinha. Students from various department of PG Studies participated in the programme, the programme started at 10:30 Am in-front of the PG block under the guidance of Dr. Noor Mubasheer C A (PG Dean) and the master of ceremony was Ms. Shirley Anthony Asst. professor (MSW Dept). Ms.Nandana Asst.professor (MSW Dept) and Ganashree ,1st year MSW student demonstrated the various Asana’s to the gathering, which included Badakhonasana, Sukhasana, Parivittasana, Tadasana, Vrikshasanafollowedby Surya-namaskaraand Shavasana. The programme was conducted to spread the message on how yoga prioritizes the physical and mental well-being of the community and self was addressed by Principal Dr.Ravi JD Saldanha the programme was concluded around 12:00 noon with vote of thanks given by Ms. Shirley Anthony Asst. professor (MSW Dept) and certificate was given to the two demonstrators.