Lellian Christina
Lellian christina a final year B.Com sudent at St.Philomena’s college has achieved manyglorious moments by winning at the National and International Levels ShitoryuKaratedo Championships. She has been trained by shiv Das and Arun Jay Kumarfrom International Mobum Shitoryu Karate Association Mysore. She is training atthe Elite Academy and has won the third prize at a prestigeous Asia PacificShitoryu Karate do Federation at jakarta Indonesia held on 23-24 November 2018.
She has won 1s prize in individual Kata and Kumte at the Budo.Federation India®organised by Buda martial Arts Associaion Karnataka affiliated by worldBudo-Federation by Nehru tuva Kendra Sangathan and school games and governmentof karnataka on 10th and 11th December 2016.
She was the First Prize and third prize winner organised by Okinawa Shorin –RyuKarate do-of India® on the 25th December 2016 in the kata and kumiteBlack Belt.
She has won two prize in he 61Kgs category organised by Akhila karnataka sportskarate Association on the 25th December 2016 and 2ndApril 2017 respectively. She has won first prize in the induvudual kumitedivision at school of graduate studies ,jain university Bangalore on the 20thFebruary 2017 she has won third prize in individual kumite on 11th& 12th November 2017 organised by 14th zen sportskarate championships.
She as an all rounder has won second prize in the tennis tournament organised byMysore city Inter collegiate tournament on 28th October 2017 she hasseveral certificates as refree,judges and coach which shows her all roundfitness and competitiveness to achieve greater heights.