Library is the nerve centre of an educational institution. It is the storehouse of knowledge in various branches of learning. Acquisition of knowledge should help in the enlightenment ….
of the individual at the spiritual and mental levels and should inculcate social virtues and intellectual development to make him/her a worthy citizen.
St. Philomena’s College Library came into existence in 1946 with the establishment of the college and began functioning with a modest collection of a few hundred books. The Library was situated on the first floor of the Science Building up to 1983 and was shifted to a separate Library building. At present it is situated on the first floor of the Library building and has a total plinth area of around 5,000 SQ FT.
The important Sections in the Library are Reference Sections, Stack Sections, Special Grants collection Sections, Periodical/Journals Sections, Unused(old) Books Sections, News Paper Sections and UGC-Network Resource Centre.
A separate Pre- University College Library was set up in the year 2005 after bifurcating from the Degree College. There is a separate PG Library with the plinth area of around 2,000 SQ FT. All the services rendered in the main library including on line services are available in the PG Library.
At present the library has in its Stock more than 46000 books, 893 back volumes, 250 Educational CD’s /DVD’s, covering a wide variety of subjects. The Library subscribes to 16 Newspapers, 88 Journals/Periodicals 25 arts, 17 Science, 37 Commerce and Management and 16 International and 18 Magazines.
Membership of library is open to the students and staff of the college. The Library provides each student one Borrowers Card to UG student and two Borrowers cards to PG students to borrow books. The Cards cannot be transferred to others. Apart from this, every student needs show their ID cards for any kind of service from the Library. The Alumni are permitted to use the library during working hours except borrowing facilities
Rules and Regulations:
- The students are required to comply with the library rules and regulations which are highlighted in the College Calendar. Disciplinary action will be taken against such student who does not comply with the rules and regulations.
- The College Library functions on all working days except Sundays and Government Holidays from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm and on Saturday 8.30 am to 2.30 pm. Books must be returned on or before the prescribed due date noted in the due date slip.
- A book can be borrowed for a period of 07 days. It can be renewed for another week provided that book is not demanded by any other member. Books must be returned on or before the prescribed due date noted in the due date slip. If the book is not returned within the due date, a fine of Rs.1.00 per day will be collected as overdue charges.
- Books borrowed from the library should not be lent to other persons.
- Books of the reference section and those marked “for Reference only” as well as Periodicals will not be lent out. But they may be referenced within Library premises.
- If a book or periodical is damaged or lost by a student, he must replace it or pay the cost of it including postage, etc., within the time fixed by the Librarian.
- To obtain a book or a periodical for reference, the students has to fill in the prescribed REFERENCE SLIP which can be obtained from the circulation counter of Library. The book and the periodicals thus given out have to be returned after reference.
Library Timings
- Monday – Friday – 8.30 AM – 5.30PM
- Saturday – 8.30 AM – 4.30 PM
Library Collections
- Books : 46000
- Back volumes:893
- Digital learning resources:250 CD,DVDs, 80 AV
- e-Books : 97000+
- e-Journals : 6000+
- News papers:16
- Journals/Magazines :88
Library Staff members
- Librarian : Ronald Prakash Cutinha
- Asst Librarians : Mary Florence Anil
- Noel -SDA
We have an active library website which gives all the information of the library and it offers some services to the user. Our library website link is given below: