
Designation:  Assistant Professor

Department:  PG Department of Mathematics

Qualification: M.Sc,KSET

Specialization:Graph Theory

email ID:[email protected]

Experience:     Teaching -1 year

Research –02Years

09 Details of Articles in Journals
Sl. No . Title of Article Journal Volume (issue) page Nos ISSN No Web link
01. Amplified eccentric connectivity index of graphs TWMS J. App. & Eng. Math.


Accepted in November 2020    
02. Bharath Hub Number of Graphs TWMS J. App. & Eng. Math.


Accepted in February2021    
12 Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended.

( Fill in the chronological order )

  Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars


Name of the Institute/University Date & Duration
  01 Python training provided by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay. Gurunanak Institution of Technology (GNIT) January, 2020.
  02 Virtual International Conference on Discrete Mathematics -2020 (VICDM 2020) Mangalore University. 08 – 10

February, 2021.

  03 Recent research Topics in Graph Theory MES Mampad College (Autonomous) 20 – 21

May 2020.

  04 International Faculty Development Program on ‘Trends in Teaching and Learning’ Bishop Ambrose College, Coimbatore 26 – 29

May, 2020.

  05 International Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Mathematics and Its Applications to Graphs, Networks and Petri Nets’ (ICRTMA-GPN-2020) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 20 – 24

July, 2020.

  06 International Conference on Present Scenario of Mathematical Science Karnatak University’s Karnatak Arts College, Dharawad, Karnataka. 12-13 September, 2020.
13 Papers Presented at various conferences/Seminars.

( Fill in the chronological order )

  S. No. Title of the paper Conference/Seminar & Place Dates
  01 Amplified Connective Eccentricity Index of Graphs International Conference on Present Scenario of Mathematical Science

Karnatak University’s Karnatak Arts College, Dharawad, Karnataka.

12-13 September 2020
  02 Amplified eccentric connectivity polynomial of graphs Virtual International Conference on Discrete Mathematics -2020 (VICDM 2020), Department of Mathematics,

Mangalore University.

08-10 February 2021