01NameMrs. Sowmya Mathew
02DesignationAssistant professor of Biochemistry
03Department  B.Voc – Healthcare Technology
04Qualification  Msc. BiochemistrySpecialization: Biochemistry  
06Contact Number       Department (Intercom)                       –Mobile   Alt. Number  
07Email ID[email protected]  
08Experience ( no. of years)Teaching   6 monthsResearch   2.1 yearsWork Experience   –
09Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 Sl. No.Conferences/Seminars /WorkshopsName of the Institute/UniversityDate & Duration
 01Bangalore Boston Nutrition CollaborativeSt John’s medical college2016
 02Stable isotopic techniques in human nutritionSt John’s medical college2017
 03Bangalore Boston Nutrition CollaborativeSt John’s medical college2018
 04National webinar by Professor Anura KurpadSt John’s medical college2019
 05National webinar on Research ethicsSt John’s medical college 
10Papers Presented/ at various conferences/Seminars. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 S. No.Title of the paperConference/Seminar & PlaceDates
11Research Articles  Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the paperJournal and ISSN No.Month/Year
12Book/ chapter in Books Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the Book/Publisher and ISBN No.Month/Year
 SL. No.Title of the project- Minor/ majorAgency sponsored Month and year
14Resource Person
 SL. No.College/ UniversityTopicsDate
 01St John’s medical collegeNutritional Assesment2018
 02St John’s medical collegeTechniques biochemistry2019
 03St John’s medical collegeResearch ethics2019
15Awards and Recognition
 SL. No.Awards / RecognitionUniversity or Any OrganizationDate