01NameMs. Dhanuja B
02DesignationAssistant Professor
03DepartmentPG Biochemistry
04QualificationM.ScSpecialization:  Biochemistry
06Contact Number       Department (Intercom)                       –Mobile   8747971112Alt. Number   8792168759
07Email ID[email protected]
08Experience ( no. of years)Teaching 1year 11monthsResearch –Work Experience –
09Details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 Sl. No.Conferences/Seminars /WorkshopsName of the Institute/UniversityDate & Duration
 01Lecture workshop on “Agricultural Biotechnology in India”MES Degree college, Malleshwaram, Bangalore2018
 02Organising committee member in symposium on “ Nutrition and health for Women Empowerment”Maharanis science college, Mysore2019
 03National Symposium on “Challenges in Snake Bite Management”University of Mysore Mysore2019
 04Partcipated in the Workshop on “Demystifying the Outcome Based Education”St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)24/Aug/23 One day
 05Partcipated in the National Workshop on “Empowering the art of Research and Publication” St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)01/Sep/23 One day
 06Partcipated in the Seminar & Poster Exhibition on “Nuclear Energy and its Potential  Jointly organized by the Dept. of Physics and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mysuru St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)07/Mar/24 One day
 07Organizing committee member for guest lecture tittled  “ Understanding Cancer: Basics to Bedside Therapies”St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)02/May/2024 One day
 08Organizing committee member for guest lecture tittled “Research grant writing and funding opportunities”St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)16/May/2024 One day
 09Organizing committee member for the webinar tittled “ Unravelling ERK1/2 signalling: Implications for human health and disease”St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)05/Nov/2024 One day
 10Organizing committee member for guest lecture tittled “ Diabetes Mellitus- Myths and Facts What we should Know?St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous)29/Nov/2024 One day
10Papers Presented/ at various conferences/Seminars. ( Fill in the chronological order )
 S. No.Title of the paperConference/Seminar & PlaceDates
11Research Articles  Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the paperJournal and ISSN No.Month/Year
12Book/ chapter in Books Published ( Fill in the chronological order )
 SL. No.Title of the Book/Publisher and ISBN No.Month/Year
 SL. No.Title of the project- Minor/ majorAgency sponsored Month and year
14Resource Person
 SL. No.College/ UniversityTopicsDate
15Awards and Recognition
 SL. No.Awards / RecognitionUniversity or Any OrganizationDate