Name : Ms. Nazia Habeeb
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification :
M.Sc in Biotechnology, M.Sc in Botany, KSET
a. poster presented:
1. In two day national level conference in ‘Nuclear medicine ‘organized by P.G department of chemistry , St. Philomena’s college, Mysore on “NUCLEAR MEDICINE A BOON TO MAN KIND”.
2. In national level conference in ‘ frontiers in biotechnology and life science’ organized by department of Biotechnology, SDM College Mysore on “PRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF SEEDS AND LEAVES OF HYDNOCAARPUS WIGHTIANA BLUME ”.
b. oral paper presented :
In three day international level conference organized by St. Philomena’s college Mysore on climate change – inconvenient truth status and way forward on April 9-11, 2015 On “ON ROLE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY IN ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION”
c. Paper published :
1 .Published in the proceedings of international conference with ISBN no : 978-93-81437-92-6 “ON ROLE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY IN ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION”
2. “ A REVIEW OF ANTIMICROBIAL ANALYSIS OF TRIDAX PROCUMBENS L. VAARIOUS EXTRACTS ON WAATERBORNE BACTERRIAL PATHOGENS”, Internaational journal of Science and reseaarch , vol6 issue 4 , April 2017 ,601-602, by Uzma Bathool and Naziya Habeeb M.
3. “PRELLIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF SEEDS AND LEAVES OF HYDNOCAARPUS WIGHTIANA BLUME”Internaational journal of Science and reseaarch , vol6 issue 4 , April 2017 ,998-1000, by Naziya Habeeb M.
Conferences / seminars/ workshops attended:
Name : NAZIYA HABEEB M. | Department : BIOTECHNOLOGY | || |
conferences / seminars/ workshops |
Name of the institute/ university |
Date and duration |
1. |
Achieving excellence in college teaching and strategies |
St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
One day workshop sep 5, 2006 |
2. |
Three days national seminar on ‘religion , spirituality and education in challeging Globalized world’ |
St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
April 8th to 10th 2007 |
3. |
A psychological symposium on PSYCHOBLAST’ |
St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
22nd september 2007 |
4. |
Colloquium on ‘ Frontiers in mircobiology |
Sri. Lakshmi Hayagreeva institute of science , commerce and management , Mysore |
19th jan 2008 |
5. |
Workshop on Global Skill Enhancement |
Infosys BPO at infosys leadership institutes , Mysore |
6th July 2009 to 18 th July 2009 |
6. |
Two day state level seminar on ‘ Emerging trends in liquid crystals and coordination compounds’ |
St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
21st and 22nd August 2009 |
7. |
National conference on ‘ recent trends in animal physiology’ |
Department of studies in zoology , Manasagangotri , Mysore. |
29th to 30th October 2009 |
8. |
Two day national level Workshop on ‘Biosystematics’ |
Department of zoology,St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
23rd and 24th of April 2010 |
9. |
Upgrading the curriculum with the emerging trends in biosciences |
Department of Bioscience |
1st March 2011 |
10. |
National level seminar on ‘ Relevance of chemistry in chemical biology ‘ |
St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
21st and 22nd March 2011 |
11. |
National conference on ‘scentific documentation of life of butterflies , need, process and importance |
Department of Zoology St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
5th and 6th March 2011 |
12. |
Open Lecture Series Program ‘ Karnataka science and Technology academy’ |
Department of scienc3e and technology , |
12th september 2011 |
13. |
One day orientation programme on ‘career opportunities after P.U.C |
Department of Zoology & Botany,St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
21St jan 2012 |
14. |
One day Workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Biosciences’ |
Department of Botany St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
19th Feb 2013 |
15. |
One day National Level Workshop on ‘ Modern Trends in Research Mehodology Part -II |
SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Jayalakshmipuram , Mysore-12 |
16 th April 2013 |
One day seminar on ‘Teacher’s Role in Higher education : New Challenges |
St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
28th Nov 2013 |
17. |
International symposium on Chemical biology – Drug Discovery |
University of Mysore |
9th & 10 th Jan
18. |
One day workshop on ‘Herbal Remedies for Vibrant Health’ |
Department of Botany St.Philomena’s College, Mysore |
24th Feb 2014
19. |
One day seminar on “ Teacher’s role in Higher Education” |
IQAC St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
28th Nov.2013
20. |
One day workshop on MIS, Curriculum Development and Industry – Academia Interface |
IQAC St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
24th January 2014 |
21. |
Two day national seminar on “supra molecules and nanomaterials” |
Department of chemistry and biochemistry , St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
22nd & 23rd 2014 |
22. |
Three day international conference on “climate change-inconvenient truth” |
St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
9th and 11th April 2015 |
23. |
Two day national conference on “Myths and facts about lifestyle diseases – A practical perspective” |
Department of Zoology St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
3rd and 4th August 2015 |