Notice regarding reopening of even semester classes
- Posted by Roshan Dsouza
- Categories Flash News, Flash News
- Date March 26, 2023
Dear Students,
A warm welcome to you all for the start of the new semester of the Academic year 2022-23.
As informed, the college re-opens for the 2nd, 4th and 6th semesters on the 27th of March 2023.To begin with, it has been decided to to conduct Value Added Course classes from March 27 to April 08, 2023.
Reporting to classes on time is an integral part of the culture at St.Philos.Students are informed to be present in the allotted classrooms at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the classes.
The attendance of Value Added classes also will be considered and will be counted during the calculation of overall attendance percentage,Needless to remind, you will be at your own risk to skip classes.
Under no circumstances, you will be allowed to appear for the end-semester examinations, if you do not put in mandatory 75% attendance in each subject.Wearing of ID cards is compulsory and it should be produced on demand.
Please note, from this semester onwards, every student, while entering into the campus, every day, needs to swipe his/her ID card in the scanning instrument placed near the security counter gate, failing which he/she will not be granted permission to enter into the campus.All students are expected to follow the dress-code as befitting Philo’s students.A simple, modest and formal dress is the norm.

Kindly note the timings, room numbers, VAC allotted to you and the faculty name carefully.
If your name is missing out in the allotment, or if you find any discrepancies, do not panic. Kindly report it to your Mentor immediately
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