St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) Mysore in association with Mysore City Narasimharaja Traffic Police conducted ‘One day Traffic Awareness program’ for the students on 30th January 2021.
Rev. Fr. John Paul, Campus Administrator, Principal, Dr. Ruth Shantha Kumari faculty members of PG and UG departments, students of St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysore and officials from N. R. Traffic Police Station were present.
Narasimharaja Traffic Inspector Mr. Prasanna Kumar, addressed the gathering on the Safety awareness measures to be strictly followed in order to avoid road accidents and paying heavy penalty. He instructed the students to ride carefully and to follow the traffic rules for their safety instead of convincing traffic police. He showed various videos of road accidents and loss of lives and injuries through which one can understand the consequences of violating the traffic rules.
Finally the concluding remark was given by the Principal, Dr. T. Ruth Shantha Kumari. She instructed the students to follow the safety measures and guide others about its importance and not to misguide them to change the route by looking at the traffic police rather face them with all the proof of documents and which will in turn leads to reduction in road accidents.
At the end Rev. Fr. John Paul Campus Administrator of St. Philomena’s College presented a memento as a token of appreciation to the Resource Person Mr. Prasanna Kumar then the program was dispersed.
As a follow-up measure, it is decided to conduct a debate competition on the theme “Traffic Awareness and Safety Measures” for all the students during the last week of February 2021.