Project funded by Department of Biotechnology
The project funded by Department of Biotechnology , Ministry of science and technology government of India to manaviiserpune. The project was for 15 days with modules. Participants got the knowledge of reading and self-assessment of the scientific papers.
As a faculty co ordinators for the 15 days project Mrs.Naziya Habeeb M. Head of the department of Biotechnology succedded in the enrollment ofstudents.they were directed to read the journals systemically by the coordinator. Students of IVth semester and VI semester were participated in the “MANAV Scientific Reading and Comprehension Self-Assessment Module (for students)”, conducted by Project MANAV – The HumanAtlas Initiative in September to October 2021. The students from our College read and critically evaluated two scientific papers from peer reviewed journals from the field of Microbiology/ Biochemistry / Pharmacy.
They were able to self assess their skills in scientific comprehension of
- Research Design
- Pictorial/Graphical Representation of Data
- Statistical Analyses
- Scientific text- Inference and Conclusion
This activity helped students take a step ahead towards honing their scientific temper,
critical thinking skills and overall academic excellence ..
The Module was open to students all across India on Monday 27th September 2021 and was accessible for the next 14 days that is till 10th October 2021.
The following two links are sent so that you get acquainted with the module.
1) Here is the link to the Recorded instructions for STUDENTS
Once you click the above link it will ask you to Enter the Passcode to watch the recording. Please use this Passcode: b8x$.^C@
2) Here is the link to the PDF of the Presentation (Quick reference):
A participation guide for STUDENTS
Naziya Habeeb M.
Head and assistant professor
St.Philomena’s College