Name : Dr. Ruth Shantha Kumari T.
Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification :
M.Sc, Ph.D, M.Sc in Counselling & Psychotheraphy
Experience : 23 Years
Contact No : 9449086598 / 821- 4240930
E-mail id : [email protected]
Professional Experience : Teaching Zoology to B.Sc students using traditional and modern methods. Involving the students in many eco-friendly endeavors through activities of Nature club conducting Environmental awareness programs
Organizing Secretary : Organized
- Six state/National level seminars/conferences/workshop.
- International conference hosted by the college.
Research projects : One UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project-Work Completed and report submitted to UGC.
One UGC Sponsored Major Research Project-Work is in Progress
Attended : 40 State/ National/International seminars/ conferences.
Presented Papers in : 04 papers in state/National level seminars/conferences/workshop
Publications : Contributed six Articles on specific topics to the Karnataka Encyclopedia Of zoology, Published by the University of Mysore(2005-2006) Published two Research articles in National/ International Journals
Name : Prof. T. Ruth Shantha Kumari – Attended
Department : Zoology | |||
Sl. No. | Conferences/Seminars/workshops | Name of the Institute/University
Date & Duration | |
1. |
Two day State Level Seminar on “Biodiversity: Significance and Management-A challenge for mankind”
Department of Zoology,
St. Philomena’s College, Mysore. |
7th and 8th Aug 2004 | |
2. |
State Level Seminar on “Methods to Review and Revitalize the interest of the students towards Basic Sciences”
Christ University, Bangalore | 22nd and 23rd Sept 2004 | |
3. |
Inter-collegiate seminar on “Rural Society in Transition” | Dept. of Sociology, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore
29th Sept 2004 | |
4. |
National Seminar on “Role of Languages in Teaching Science for Undergraduate Courses” | JSS College and CIIL, Mysore | 17th and 18th Dec 2004 | |
5. |
Interaction Meeting and Workshop of “ Taxonomy of Insects” | Maharani’s Science College for Women, Mysore
12th Jan 2005 | |
6. |
Seminar on “Basic Science Courses- Academic and Career Opportunities” | St. Philomena’s College, Mysore
22nd Jan 2005 | |
7. |
State Level Seminar on “Autonomy to colleges” | St. Philomena’s College, Mysore
26th Feb 2005 | |
8. |
State level seminar on “Biotechnology: Emerging Trends” | Sharada Vilas, Mysore
12th and 13th Aug 2005 | |
9. |
National Level Seminar on “Research perspectives in Eco-conservation | Dept. of Zoology, St. Agnes college, Mangalore
9th and 10th Sept 2005 | |
10. |
Intercollegiate workshop on “Total quality management in Higher Education”
District Task Force | 18th Feb 2006 | |
11. |
City Level Seminar on “Future perspectives in Microbiology and Biotechnology”
Amrita Maha Vidalaya,
Mysore |
18th March 2006 | |
12. |
Workshop for Teachers with reference to revised VI semester practical component in Zoology | Dept. of Zoology
St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
3rd Feb 2007 | |
13. |
National Level Workshop on “Testing and Evaluation” | Teresian College and CIIL, Mysore | 26th and 27th May 2009 | |
14. |
State Level Seminar “Emerging Trends in Liquid Crystals and Coordination Compounds” | Dept. of Physics and Chemistry, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 21st and 22nd Aug. 2009 | |
15. |
National Conference on “Recent Trends in Animal Physiology” | Dept. of Studies in Zoology, Manasagangotri, Mysore-06 | 29th and 30th Oct. 2009 | |
16. |
One day Workshop on “choice based credit based syllabus of Zoology | Maharani’s Science college for Women, Mysore | 25th Jan 2010 | |
17. |
State Level Seminar on “Recombinant DNA technology” | Dept of Botany, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 9th and 10th April 2010 | |
18. |
Two day National Level Workshop on “Biosystematics: Taxonomic Awareness in the Current Biotechnological Scenario” | Dept. of Zoology,
St. Philomena’s College, Mysore |
23rd and 24th April 2010 | |
19. |
One day Workshop on “Enhancing standard of Sports Performing among students” | St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 22nd May 2010 | |
20. |
International Symposium on “Current Trends in Endocrine and Reproductive Health” | Dept. of Studies in Zoology, Manasagangotri, Mysore | 10th -12th Feb 2011 (3 days) | |
21. |
National Seminar on “Harmful and Beneficial Insects of Agricultural Importance……….Plantations”. | PG and Research Dept. of Zoology,
St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri, Calicut |
17th and 18th Feb. 2011 (Presented a paper) | |
22. |
National Seminar on “Upgrading the Curriculum with the Emerging Trends in Bio-sciences”. | Dept. of Botany, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 28.01.2011 and 01.03.2011 | |
23 |
National Conference on “Scientific documentation of Life of Butterflies – Need, Process and Importance.” | Dept. of Zoology, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 5th and 6th March 2011 | |
24. |
National seminar on “Relevance of Chemistry in Chemical Biology | Dept. of Chemistry, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 21st and 22ndMarch 2011 | |
25. |
National seminar on “Human Excellence through Holistic Education.” | Christ University, Bangalore | 30th and 31st May 2011 (Presented a paper) | |
26. |
National Conference on “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” | Sri Siddaganga Educational Society, Tumkur | 20th and 21st Aug, 2011 (Presented a paper) | |
27. |
Open Lecture Series Programme (KSTA) with St. Philomena’s College | St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 12.09.2011 | |
28. |
National Symposium on “Immunology today : Recent developments in Health and Disease | Dept. of Biochemistry UOM, Manasagangotri, Mysore | 14th and 15th Nov. 2011 | |
Orientation Programme on Career Opportunities after PUC | Dept. of Zoology and Botany,
St. Philomena’s College |
21.01.2012 | |
30. |
National Symposium and Workshop on “Best practices in Clinical Embryology” | Kasturba Medical College, Manipal | 1st and 2nd Dec. 2012 | |
31. |
One day Workshop on “Research Methodology in Bioscience | Dept. of Botany, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 19.02.2013 | |
32. |
One day Symposium on “Cell Structure and Function” | Dept. of Biochemistry UOM, Manasagangotri, Mysore | 28.03.2013 | |
33. |
Two day National Seminar on “Role of IQAL in Higher Education with special reference to Women’s Colleges” | B.M.S. College, Basavanagudi, Bangalore | 24th and 25th Sept. 2013 | |
34. |
One day Seminar on “Role of Teachers in Higher Education: New challenges | IQAC St. Philomena’s College, Mysore | 28.11.2013 | |
35. |
Two day National Conference on “Cancer Biology” | Dept. of Studies in Biochemistry, UOM, MGM | 29th and 30th Nov. 2013 |
Name: Prof. Ruth Shantha Kumari –
Organizing Secretary |
Department: Zoology | |||
Sl. No. | Conference/Seminars/Workshops | Organized/Convened | Date & Duration | |
1. | UGC sponsored Two day State Level Seminar on “Biodiversity Significance and Management – A challenge for Mankind” | Dept. of Zoology | 7th and 8th Aug 2004 (Published the Proceedings in the form of a Book) | |
2. | GC sponsored Two day National Level Workshop on “Biosystematics : Taxonomic awareness in the current Biotechnology Scenario” | Dept of Zoology | 23rd and 24th April 2010 (Published the Proceedings in the form of a Book) | |
3. | National Conference on “Scientific Documentation of Life of Butterflies – Need, Process and Importance” | Dept. of Zoology | 5th and 6th March 2011 | |
4. | One day orientation programme on “Career Opportunities after PUC” | Dept of Zoology and Botany | 21.01,2012 | |
5. | One day Seminar on “Role of Teachers in Higher Education: New Challenge” | IQAC | 28.11.2013 | |
Name : Prof. Ruth Shantha Kumari | Department : Zoology | |||
Sl. No. | Publication | Organized / Convened | Date & Duration | |
1. |
Published Six Articles on the following topics in the Kannada Encyclopedia of Zoology, Published by University of Mysore, 2005-06
2. | Published a Research paper “Studies on the Life Cycle of Pioneer Anaphaeis aurota | Vijnana prabha (Journal of Science) Vol. I N. 2, June-Aug 2011 pp. 19-22 (ISSN 2231-3214) |
Name : Prof. Ruth Shantha Kumari | Department : Zoology | |
Sl. No. | Worked as a Resource Person | |
1. | For Promotion Science Education in Rural Schools, A programme of Centre for Development of Science in Schools, University of Mysore
Visited and Interacted with Staff and Students of Various High Schools in Mysore, K.R. Nagar and Kadakola |
2. | Guided Jerlion Sagayaraj – Software Development Competition for Biodiversity of “Western Ghats” –who secured II prize. | |
3. | Guide –“Terrestrial Biodiversity”– Model exhibition– Organized by Dept. of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka – 19th and 20th April 2011 |