

Name : Dr. Ruth Shantha Kumari T.

Designation : Associate Professor

Qualification :

M.Sc, Ph.D, M.Sc in Counselling & Psychotheraphy


Experience                          :               23 Years

Contact No                          :               9449086598 / 821- 4240930

E-mail id                              :               [email protected]

Professional  Experience :            Teaching  Zoology  to B.Sc   students using traditional and modern methods.                                                                       Involving   the students in many eco-friendly endeavors through activities of                                                                      Nature club conducting   Environmental awareness programs

Organizing  Secretary     :               Organized

  • Six  state/National level seminars/conferences/workshop.
  • International conference hosted by the college.


Research projects            :               One UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project-Work Completed and report                                                                          submitted  to UGC.

One UGC Sponsored Major Research Project-Work is in Progress

Attended                            :               40 State/ National/International seminars/ conferences.

Presented Papers in       :               04 papers in state/National level seminars/conferences/workshop

Publications                        :               Contributed six Articles on specific topics to the  Karnataka Encyclopedia                                                                               Of zoology, Published by the University of Mysore(2005-2006)                                                                                                   Published  two Research articles in National/ International  Journals


Name : Prof. T. Ruth Shantha Kumari – Attended


Department : Zoology
Sl. No. Conferences/Seminars/workshops Name of the Institute/University


Date & Duration


Two day State Level Seminar on “Biodiversity: Significance and Management-A challenge for mankind”


Department of Zoology,

St. Philomena’s College, Mysore.

7th and 8th Aug 2004


State Level Seminar on “Methods to Review and Revitalize the interest of the students towards Basic Sciences”


Christ University, Bangalore 22nd and 23rd Sept 2004


Inter-collegiate seminar on “Rural Society in Transition” Dept. of Sociology,       St. Philomena’s College, Mysore


29th Sept 2004


National Seminar on “Role of Languages in Teaching Science for Undergraduate Courses” JSS College and CIIL, Mysore 17th and 18th Dec 2004


Interaction Meeting and Workshop of “ Taxonomy of Insects” Maharani’s Science College for Women, Mysore


12th Jan 2005


Seminar on “Basic Science Courses- Academic and Career Opportunities” St. Philomena’s College, Mysore


22nd Jan 2005


 State Level Seminar on “Autonomy to colleges” St. Philomena’s College, Mysore


26th Feb 2005


State level seminar on “Biotechnology: Emerging Trends” Sharada Vilas, Mysore


12th and 13th Aug 2005


National Level Seminar on “Research perspectives in Eco-conservation Dept. of Zoology,          St. Agnes college, Mangalore


9th and 10th Sept 2005


Intercollegiate workshop on “Total quality management in Higher Education”


District Task Force 18th Feb 2006


City Level Seminar on “Future perspectives in Microbiology and Biotechnology”


Amrita Maha Vidalaya,


18th March 2006


Workshop for Teachers with reference to revised VI semester practical component in Zoology Dept. of Zoology

St. Philomena’s College, Mysore

3rd Feb 2007


National Level Workshop on “Testing and Evaluation” Teresian College and CIIL, Mysore 26th and 27th May 2009


State Level Seminar “Emerging Trends in Liquid Crystals and Coordination Compounds” Dept. of Physics and Chemistry,                      St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 21st and 22nd Aug. 2009


National Conference on “Recent Trends in Animal Physiology” Dept. of Studies in Zoology, Manasagangotri, Mysore-06 29th and 30th Oct. 2009


One day Workshop on “choice based credit based syllabus of Zoology Maharani’s Science college for Women, Mysore 25th Jan 2010


State Level Seminar on “Recombinant DNA technology” Dept of Botany,             St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 9th and 10th April 2010


Two day National Level Workshop on “Biosystematics: Taxonomic Awareness in the Current Biotechnological Scenario” Dept. of Zoology,

St. Philomena’s College, Mysore

23rd and 24th April 2010


One day Workshop on “Enhancing standard of Sports Performing among students” St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 22nd May 2010


International Symposium on “Current Trends in Endocrine and Reproductive Health” Dept. of Studies in Zoology, Manasagangotri, Mysore 10th -12th Feb 2011 (3 days)


National Seminar on “Harmful and Beneficial Insects of Agricultural Importance……….Plantations”. PG and Research Dept. of Zoology,

St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri, Calicut

17th and 18th  Feb. 2011 (Presented a paper)


National Seminar on “Upgrading the Curriculum with the Emerging Trends in Bio-sciences”. Dept. of Botany,            St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 28.01.2011 and 01.03.2011


National Conference on “Scientific documentation of Life of Butterflies – Need, Process and Importance.” Dept. of Zoology,          St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 5th and 6th March 2011


National seminar on “Relevance of Chemistry in Chemical Biology Dept. of Chemistry,      St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 21st and 22ndMarch 2011


National seminar on “Human Excellence through Holistic Education.” Christ University, Bangalore 30th and 31st May 2011 (Presented a paper)


National Conference on “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” Sri Siddaganga Educational Society, Tumkur 20th and 21st Aug, 2011 (Presented a paper)


Open Lecture Series Programme (KSTA) with St. Philomena’s College St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 12.09.2011


National Symposium on “Immunology today : Recent developments in Health and Disease Dept. of Biochemistry UOM, Manasagangotri, Mysore 14th and 15th Nov. 2011


Orientation Programme on Career Opportunities after PUC Dept. of Zoology and Botany,

St. Philomena’s College



National Symposium and Workshop on “Best practices in Clinical Embryology” Kasturba Medical College, Manipal 1st and 2nd Dec. 2012


One day Workshop on “Research Methodology in Bioscience Dept. of Botany,            St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 19.02.2013


One day Symposium on “Cell Structure and Function” Dept. of Biochemistry UOM, Manasagangotri, Mysore 28.03.2013


Two day National Seminar on “Role of IQAL in Higher Education with special reference to Women’s Colleges” B.M.S. College, Basavanagudi, Bangalore 24th and 25th Sept. 2013


One day Seminar on “Role of Teachers in Higher Education: New challenges IQAC St. Philomena’s College, Mysore 28.11.2013


Two day National Conference on “Cancer Biology” Dept. of Studies in Biochemistry, UOM, MGM 29th and 30th Nov. 2013


Name: Prof. Ruth Shantha Kumari –

Organizing Secretary    

Department: Zoology
Sl. No. Conference/Seminars/Workshops Organized/Convened Date & Duration
1. UGC sponsored Two day State Level Seminar on “Biodiversity Significance and Management – A challenge for Mankind” Dept. of Zoology 7th and 8th Aug 2004 (Published the Proceedings in the form of a Book)
2. GC sponsored Two day National Level Workshop on “Biosystematics : Taxonomic awareness in the current Biotechnology Scenario” Dept of Zoology 23rd and 24th April 2010 (Published the Proceedings in the form of a Book)
3. National Conference on “Scientific Documentation of Life of Butterflies – Need, Process and Importance” Dept. of Zoology 5th and 6th March 2011
4. One day orientation programme on “Career Opportunities after PUC” Dept of Zoology and Botany 21.01,2012
5. One day Seminar on “Role of Teachers in Higher Education: New Challenge” IQAC 28.11.2013


Name : Prof. Ruth Shantha Kumari Department : Zoology
Sl. No. Publication Organized / Convened Date & Duration









Published Six Articles on the following topics in the Kannada Encyclopedia of Zoology, Published by University of Mysore, 2005-06



  1. Reproductive organs
  2. Sex differentiation
  3. Prostate gland
  4. Gametogenesis
  5. Embryology
  6. Metamorphosis
  7. Living Fossils
2. Published a Research paper “Studies on the Life Cycle of Pioneer Anaphaeis aurota Vijnana prabha (Journal of Science) Vol. I N. 2, June-Aug 2011 pp. 19-22 (ISSN 2231-3214)  


Name : Prof. Ruth Shantha Kumari Department : Zoology
Sl. No. Worked as a Resource Person
1. For Promotion Science Education in Rural Schools, A programme of Centre for Development of Science in Schools, University of Mysore

Visited and Interacted with Staff and Students of Various High Schools in Mysore, K.R. Nagar and Kadakola

2. Guided Jerlion Sagayaraj – Software Development Competition for Biodiversity of “Western Ghats” –who secured II prize.
3. Guide –“Terrestrial Biodiversity”– Model exhibition– Organized by Dept. of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka – 19th and 20th April 2011


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