



HELD ON: 29-6-17 (Thursday)

      A one day seminar on plant and animal diseases and their management was organised by Botany and Zoology departments jointly.

INTRODUCTION- Animal and Plant diseases pose a serious and continuing threat to food security, food safety, national economics, biodiversity and the rural environment. New challenges include climate change, regularity developments changes in geographic concentration, size of life stock holdings, increasing trade etc. This makes it the appropriate time to assess the impact that the diseases have on plants, animals and man and the way it can be managed.

  In this seminar, we will explore an inter disciplinary approach to studying these diseases and the wellbeing of animals and man.

  Objectives:  this seminar was conducted with the following objectives in mind.

  1. To create awareness among the participants about common diseases in plants and animals.
  2. To educate them about the mode of infection, symptoms, spread from plants and animals to humans and its impact on human health.
  3. More important, to develop an insight into the management of these diseases so that they in turn can educate their neighbours and friends.

Target groups- All students belonging to life science stream.


I Session- Dr. Javeed Nayeem

Topic- Disease and their management on humans.

Dr. Javeed emphasized on common diseases and stressed on the need on general health, maintenance of hygieneand preventive measures specifying on parasitic and pest infestations. He gave more importance to interaction with students and clear their they doubts about diseases like cancer, AIDS, common fevers like dengue, chikungunya, viral fever, malarial fever, their symptoms, vectors involved etc. Importance of stem cell were highlighted.  Alternate forms of medicine like Ayurveda, homeopathy, sidda were also discussed.

II Session- Dr. Vasath Kumar

Topic- Plant diseases, spread and impact on man.

Dr Vasanth kumar first differentiated between mineral difficency symptoms and the actual diseases symptoms.He explained the symptoms of bacterial, viral and fungal diseases and with the help of slides, gave easy methods for their identification. He dealt with important diseases on crop plants like maize, jowar, paddy, vegetable crops like brinjal, capsicum, tomatoes and fruits like papaya, banana etc. He stressed on the need for educating farmers on plant health and its impact on man and the role of students in this regard. Important mineral nutrients required by the plants and soil management was also discussed. He concluded his talk with a appositive response and interaction with students.

III Session – Captain Dr. Thimaiah (Vet)

Topic- Common animal diseases with special references to zoonotic importance.

He spoke on general aspects like parasitic infestation on domesticated and wild animals, how they spread from animal to animal and animal to man. He gave a brief account on common disease like tuberculosis, respiratory disorders, skin disorders, anthrax, bird flu, brain fever, helminthic parasites in animals, their infestations through food from animals to man. He also spoke about the symptoms of the diseasesand their management.

He gave a detailed account on rabies which is a dreadful disease caused by a virus carried by dog, he showed a number of slides and explained the symptoms, and also awareness of the disease, about its vaccine. He gave an awareness to the young minds, there is no cure for viral infections.

He had a lengthy and innovative interaction with students, clarifying their doubts, students were very much impressed by his talk.

Feed Back- About 200 students including staffs participated.

Content of the talk- about 80% marked as very good and excellent,

Presentation- about 80-85% gave a positive remark.

Interaction between participants and resource persons- 90-95% students took active part clearing their doubts.

Usefulness of the seminar- 90% students found it very interesting and useful, and also gave remarks to conduct such seminar often.

Conclusion Remarks:

Overall the seminar was beneficial to the students and to the other participants. Students responded well and very happy requesting to have many more seminars, workshops on different topics whichare going to be useful in day to day activities. They also were requesting to have expose to such laboratories were a number of experiements are conducted, so that it is beneficial to them.

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