Skit in English Competition – Enkindling patriotism among the Youth of the Independent India
Skit in English Competition – Enkindling patriotism among the Youth of the Independent India
The cultural committee of the college in lieu with 75th year of Indian Independence had organized a Skit in English Competition on the 10th of August 2022, in the premises of the Postgraduate Center for Studies and Research at 3.30 p.m. The competition began with the welcoming of the participants and the honorable judges. The theme for the completion being ‘Independent India’ was enacted with complete dedication, a sense of pride, enthusiasm and patriotism with the enrollment of three talented groups of youngsters exhibiting their talent by portraying the 75 year old India with love. The teams came with marvelous names being ‘Truth Bearers’, ‘We Together’, and ‘Independent India’ depicting love and patriotism for the country. Prof. Dr. A. John Siluvai, Head of the Postgraduate Department of English, Mr. William Joseph J, Head of the Undergraduate Department of English and Dr. Vinod Gubbiveeranna Assistant Professor of the Department of B.Voc. Health Care and a renowned Dramatist, proprietor of ‘Gubbi Veeranna’s Gubbi Drama Company(R)’ were the esteemed judges for the competition. Mr. Sheldon Leander Williams, Assistant Professor of the Postgraduate Department of English was the teacher in charge of the respective competition. The team ‘We Together’ represented by Mr. K Prudhvi bagged the first prize and the team ‘Independent India’ represented by Mr. George Clinton bagged the second prize in the competition.
Mr. Sheldon Leander Williams thanked the jury and all participants for their active participation in making the event a high resounding success.