Special talk- Diabetes Mellitus – Myths and Facts What We Should Know ?
Special talk- Diabetes Mellitus – Myths and Facts What We Should Know?
PREAMBLE:A special talk was conducted on 29.11.2024 from 11.00 A.M-12.30P.M. at MBA conference hall, organized by PG Department of Food Science & Nutrition, in association with PG department of Biochemistry. The program was conducted as part of special lecture for the students.
To expand knowledge of the students in the field of nutrition related to Diabetes
Mellitus and its effect on human health and disease.
Define diabetes mellitus.
2.List types of diabetes mellitus.
3.List risk factor for diabetes mellitus.
4.List clinical manifestation of diabetes mellitus.
5.Identify medical management of diabetes mellitus.
6.List complications of diabetes mellitus.
7.Describe nursing management of diabetes mellitus
- To define the need of awareness about diabetes mellitus and its types.
- Risk factorsand clinical manifestation for diabetes mellitus, identifythe myths and facts.
- Complications of diabetes mellitus and nutritional management.
The PG Department of Food Science and Nutrition, in association with PG department of Biochemistry; organized a special lecture on 29.11.24 from 11.00.A.M -12:45P.M. at MBA conference hall,for the benefits of the students.
The program was inaugurated in the presence of Rev. Fr. Dr. Lourdu Prasad Joseph, Rector Rev. Fr. Gnana Pragasam, Administrator, Rev. Fr. David Sagayaraj S., Assistant to Rector, Dr. Noor Mubasheer C.A, PG Coordinator,Dr. Asna Urooj, Guest Speaker, Dr. Seema Siddiqi, HOD and Assistant Professor of PG Food Science and Nutrition, Dr. Kaneez Haleema Assistant Professor of PG Food Science and Nutrition, (Dr). Shruthi G, HOD and Assistant Professor of PG Biochemistry Department. Dr. Seema Siddiqi welcomed the gathering and introduce the speaker and other dignitaries to the august gathering. She briefed about the 2024-theme on Diabetes “Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gapsand importance of Diabetes mellitus and also stressed on the need for the awareness about its ill effects among the students.
Ms. Niveditha. S, Assistant Professor of PG Biochemistry department, briefed the Biodata of the guest speaker- Dr. Asna Urooj, Rtd Sr. Prof. DOS in Food Science & Nutrition, University of Mysore.
Photo: Inauguration of the Special lecture by watering the plant by the dignitaries.
Photos: Welcome address by Organizing Secretary &Presidential Address by the Rector.
Dr. Asna Urooj began the session by sharing about her experiences with students and addressed the them on the topic “Diabetes Mellitus”.Shespoke about the complications of Diabetes and its myths and facts. She gave a brief note about her experiences working with students as an academic professor and the need for the alternate therapies to be used to control and manage Diabetes.She discussed the need for statistical analysis data according to nation wise and also to channelize them into proper set up for controlling the current prevalence rates spiking among the global population with diabetes.
She also discussed how diabetes is a leading cause of morbidity and death, how insulin regulates the body, and how the body’s metabolic pathways react when insulin levels are low.
Interactive session with students by the speaker – Dr. Asna Urooj.
She also spoke on dietary management and how adjunct foods can be used to manage diabetes. She stressed the importance of Dietician’s and Nutritionist’s role in preventing the disorder and bringing in awareness about the NCD prevalent in India. She also encouraged students to be actively involved in physical activity in order to keep diabetes at bay. The session was open for discussion where students and faculty cleared their doubts. The session was an eye opener; as most of the students who had misconceptions related to the chronic and most common non-communicable disorder cleared their doubts with active involvement and participation.
The session was ended formally by Rector giving away the memento to the guest speaker as a token of appreciation.
Group photo of the participants and formal thanksgiving to the speaker by Rector
The event was moderated by Ms. Afifa Ashfaq, I year M.Sc student of PG Food Science & Nutrition. The feedback from the students was collected by means of google forms given by Dr. Kaneez Haleema, Assistant professor of PG Food Science and Nutrition department. The program ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Yashaswini V. Assistant professor of PG Biochemistry department. Finally, Dr. Seema Siddiqi, thanked everyone in the audience for their active participation and making the event successful.