Report on Special lecture
Report on Special lecture:
The Department of Microbiology organized a special lecture on “Research Methodology in Life Sciences” at 11.00 am on Saturday, 5th August 2017. The lecture was delivered by Prof. S. Shankar Bhat ,former Chairperson and retired Professor, DOS in Botany and Microbiology, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysuru. Prof. Syeda Farhana, HOD of Microbiology welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker. Students of B. Sc. (BtBMb & CBZ combinations) attended the lecture.
When the college became autonomous in the year 2011 a project work was introduced for which, every semester, students are required to collect information about a selected topic, give a powerpoint presentation and submit a report of the same. The department of Microbiology has also introduced a short-term internship programme for which students are required to identify a problem, conduct an investigation on it in a research laboratory or industry and prepare a dissertation on the same. It is a common observation that students at the undergraduate level are uninitiated to the methodologies employed in research starting from identification of a problem or topic for research, survey and review of literature, materials and methods used, analysis or results, citation of references etc. In this direction, a need for proper orientation of students towards research methodology was felt and the above lecture was organized.
Prof. Shankar Bhat instilled interest in research in students by his motivational and inspirational talk. In his simple and lucid style, he introduced the various aspects of research starting from the definition, types , need , outcome and ethics of research,plagiarism aspect,etc. He stressed on the importance of quality over quantity in research and the importance of originality of ideas and rules to be followed while writing quality research articles.