

Software Engineering


Internet and Web Application

Big Data Analytics


Bachelor Degree with Computer Science as a major subject or BCA Degree aggregate marks of all the Computer Science papers including mathematics papers of all the 3 years.

A brief history

Our world is more dynamic than ever before because of creating new ideas and new possibilities every moment. So how do you engage with this ever-changing environment? You learn, and the best way to learn is from experience. PG department of Computer Science is the right choice for our time, where students learn in hands-on environments and in research and industry relevant courses. Our lecturers have extensive experience in their fields and place the needs of students above all else. In our department you can learn the combination of theory and practical skills needed to take advantage of every opportunity. Skills that will allow you to understand and meet new challenges, and to thrive in an evolving world.

The Deportment of Computer Science,one of the youngest, was established in the year 2014 with the objective of producing IT professionalas of international standerd, to fulfill requirements of booming IT industry and strives to foster excellence in teaching. The Department offers Master of science  in Computer science and Web Designing as an Open Elective paper for non-computer students.

The department provides the students, outstanding opportunities for a vast range of scholarly endeavor in a highly interactive environment and a wide arena for personal growth. Apart from the curriculum, the department has organized lectures on various technical as well as non-technical topics which are delivered by some of the best professionals that are immensely beneficial for the students to understand the current needs of the industry and to make them industry-ready.

Key Features

F Modes of delivery of subjects include lectures, seminars, tutorials and industry visits.
F We use the interactive method, we give students the opportunity to take part in lab,
project and team work.
F Students are actively involved in research, through internships and project modules.


The department enriched with core facilities that houses 20 stand-alone systems includes diversified and advanced operating systems and requisite software suites to train and prepare the students for taking up leading jobs in industry and acadamia.


The department as achieved 100% results in the first end-semester examination.

Present Faculty:

Sl. No. Name of the Staff Member Designation Qualification Department Date of Appointment   Email Id
1. Mr. Hanock A Head PG Dept of Computer Science
Assistant Professor
MCA PG Computer Science 8-Aug-22   [email protected]
2. Ms. Hencieta Fernandes Assistant Professor M.Sc PG Computer Science 27-Feb-23  

[email protected]

3. Ms. Amrutha Nair Assistant Professor M.Sc PG Computer Science      

Mrs. Harinakshi
HOD, Assistant Professor
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Mr. Hanock A
HOD, Assistant Professor
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Ms. Hencieta Fernandes
Assistant Professor
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Ms. Amrutha Nair
Assistant Professor
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BOS of the Meeting.