

The department of Physics was started in the year 1946, when the college was declared open by His Highness Sri JayachamarajaWodeyar, Maharaja of Mysore with the objective of not only promoting education but also helping the students inculcate good values for their betterment and that of the society.

The department gratefully acknowledges the services rendered by former faculty members who were the pioneers to lay the foundation of the department.

Some of the Eminent Members who served the department:

  • SrinivasRao,who headed the department from its inception in the year1946.
  • K.N.Sheshadri,Former H.O.D.
  • U.R.Rao,Former Chairman of ISRO.
  • AdoorVenkatRao,Retired Legal Secretary, Government of Karnataka.
  • N.K.Vishwanath,an eminent teacher.
  • S.R.ShankarNarayana,FormerH.O.D and author of a number of books inPhysics.
  • G.Shivaram Prasad, a teacher par excellence
  • K.R.JaganathaiahSetty,FormerH.O.D and a practitioner of TranscendentalMeditation.
  • M.S. Jaganath, Former H.O.D
  • R.S. Nidhi, MrudangamVidwan and Former H.O.D
  • G. Rajalakshmi, an alumni, Pranic healer and Former H.O.D

At present the department is headed by Mrs.Shobana Thomas with a teaching experience of more than 33 years. The other faculty members includeDr.SJeyaseelan, an experienced teacher and an avid researcher, Mr.M.NagarajUrsan experienced, skilled teacher, Mr. Thomas Gunaseelan, an experienced teacher and a tech enthusiast, Mr.M.Subramanyam an experiencedteacher, Mr EliezerVishwas, NCC officer and multi -talented teacher.

Over the years the department has grown drawing students from every corner of India and across the world.

The present faculty:


Academic activities:

Some of the programmes organized by the department:


  • State level seminar on Frontiers of Physics in association with Indian Academy of Sciences.


  • Zonal level Science Exhibition.


  • UGC sponsored Two day State level seminar on emerging trends in liquid crystals and coordination compounds.


  • Two days regional level seminar on Photonics and Electronics in association with FPET.


  • Oneday workshop on Telescope making in association with Mysore Science Foundation.


  • UGC Sponsored National Seminar RAAM 2015.
  • Three Day State Level Lecture Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics, in association with IIA, Bangalore.


  • One day lecture programme on Condensed Matter Physics inassociation with RRI, Bangalore.
  • Stage show on “Fascinating Experiments in Science” conducted by Prof. B.D. Chakra Deo, IIT, Mumbai.


  • Science Academies’ Three Day Lecture workshop on “Some Advanced Topics In Condensed Matter Physics”.
  • 16 days Refresher Course on “Experimental physics”.
  • Science Academies’ two-week refresher course in QuantumMechanics.


  • Science Academies’ Three Day Lecture workshop on “Frontiers in Astronomy”.
  • Indian Academy of sciences’ Three day Lecture workshop on “Quantum Information and Computation”.
  • One day Lecture workshop on “Some Special topics in Physics”.


  • Indian Academy of sciences’ Three day Lecture workshop on “Quantum Statistics-Theory and Experiment”.
  • Special Lecture on “Liquid Crystals: Life, Science and Technology”.
  • “Demonstration of some Science Experiments” to High School and Pre-

University Students in association with Bhramara Trust of Y.T,Mysuru.

  • Special Lecture on “Some Applications of Cryogenics” 2019.


  • Special Lecture on “Current Scientific Challenges to Humankind and Nature: Address Them and Win Nobel Prize”.
  • Special Lecture on “The Many faces of Entropy”.
  • “National Science Day 2020 Celebration”.
  • Special Lecture on LASER Cooling of Atoms”.


Some of the important external Programmes attended by the facultyare:

  1. Big Bang and Particle Physics.

UGC sponsored one Day state level seminar on Big Bang and Particle Physics in JSS College for women in Chamarajanagar on 31st March 2010.

  1. Twelve day workshop conducted by IIT Bombay.

Faculty members Mrs.G.Rajalakshmi and Mrs.ShobanaThomas attended a twelve day workshop conducted by IIT Bombay held under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) and National Center for Photo voltaic Research and Education and received a kit of solar simulator and PV module worth Rs.30,000.With this kit new experimentsareintroduced in the laboratory.Mrs.Shobana Thomas was awarded with certificate of excellence in this programme.

  1. Benefits of Nuclear and Material sciences in day to day life.Two day workshop on 21st and 22nd August 2015 on benefits of Nuclear and Material sciences in day to day life organised by University of Mysore and Indian Nuclear Society.


  1. State level conference on autonomous colleges – Issues , prospectus and challenges.

Karnataka state level conference on autonomous colleges-Issues,prospectus and challenges organised by Mangalore University on the 20th and 21st Nov 2015.

  1. Indian science congress

The Indian science congress organized by the University of Mysore in the year 2016 as part of their Centenary celebration.

  1. Two day National workshop on“Consultation and Discourse on Teaching

Two day National workshop organised byChrist University (Bengaluru) on “Consultation and Discourse on Teaching in Higher Education for New College and University Teachers”.

  1. Two day Workshop on Research based Pedagogical Tools”

A two day Workshop organised by St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 19th and 20th Oct 2016 on Research based Pedagogical Tools”.

  1. 29thMid Year Meeting

29thMid Year Meeting of the Indian academy of sciences on the 28th -30th June 2018 at Infosys Campus.

  1. 23rd Triennial Conference

23rd Triennial Conference-“Re-visioning Higher Education in India; challenges and strategies for catholic Institutions” at Don Bosco Institute Guwahati, Assam.

Co-Curricular Activities:

The department

  • facilitates to conduct “National Graduate Physics Examination (NGPE).”
  • is a Nodal Centre for the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)

outreach e-Learning Education Programme.

The department motivates and prepares students to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Some of the recent activities facilitated by the department are:

1.Two days Science Exhibition organized by JSSWomen’s College Chamarajanagar, 2018.

2.National Anveshika Experimental Skill Testorganized in Teresian College, Mysore, 2018.

3.One day Zonallevel Science Exhibition fordegree students organized by Karnataka RajyaVignanaParishath(KRVP) in Nisarga College, KollegalTaluk, Chamarajanagar, 2018. (Students got selected for the state level competition).

4.Two days State level Science Exhibition for degreestudents organized by KRVP in GavisiddheshwarCollege, Koppal, 2019.

5.One day Division level Science lecture competitionfor degree students organized by KRVP in PES College, Mandya,2019.

6.One day Division level Science Exhibition fordegree students organized by KRVP in BharathiCollege, KM Doddi, Mandya, 2019.

  1. National Anveshika Experimental Skill Testorganized in Teresian College, Mysore,2019

8.Two days State level Science lecture competitionfor degree students organized by Karnataka RajyaVignanaParishath(KRVP) in SVI Trust PharmacyCollegeHumnabad, Gulbarga,2019.

9.Two days State level Science Exhibition for degreestudents organized by KRVP in Boomareddy College Bidar, 2019.

Students have won laurels in these competitions.

The department also organizes educational/ field trips to various reputed institutes and industries to expose the students to the current development in the field.

Extension activities:

  • Department organizes ScienceExhibitions for Semi urban schools and Laboratory visits for P.U science students.Faculty members visit rural schools to demonstrate various science experiments.
  • Shobana Thomas was invited as a resource person by SarvashikshaAbhiyan IGNOU New Delhi, to give interactive talk at Gyanavani, Mysore on Teaching concepts in science using real life situation Teaching and learning techniques in science.
  • S.Jeyaseelan is a Life member @ Indian Crystallographic Association (ICA),and a Resource Person @
  1. i) Constituted Science College, Tumkur University, Tumkur.
  2. ii) Govt. First Grade College, Kuvempunagara, Mysore.

iii) Sri AdichunchunagiriF.G.College, Nagamangala, Mandya Dt.

 Future Plan of Action:

The Post Graduate Department of Physics, started from the academic year 2014 has now been recognised as a Research Center by the University of Mysore.

It has plans to develop into a well-equipped research center to facilitate more research activities and to avail more research projects in the yearstocome, also to have better tie up with industries for students to do projects and get exposure.

Present Staff

Mr.Nagaraj Urs
Asst. Professor
View Profile
Mr.Thomas Gunaseelan
Asso. Professor
View Profile
Mr.Eliezer Vishwas
Asst. Professor
View Profile
Asst. Professor
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BOS Minutes of the Meeting 2019:

BOS Minutes of the Meeting 2020:

BOS Minutes of the Meeting 2021:

BOS Minutes of the Meeting 2022:

BOS Minutes of the Meeting-1 2023:

BOS Minutes of the Meeting -2 2023:

BOS Minutes of the Meeting 2024: