Objective: To enable the children to name the four major blood types (phenotypes) in the ABO system. . To enable the children to name the two main “naturally occurring” antibodies to red cell antigens. To make provision for the prevention …
St Philomena’s Rovers and Rangers Unit Orientation Programme for Rovers Crew Rangers Team -2022 Venue: Auditorium Date: 5 February 2022 Objectives: To orient the students on Bharat Scouts and Guides. To inculcate the service motto and Self- Reliance in students. …
THE 7th CONVOCATION ON 26th OF MARCH 2022 Gold Medal Winners Click here to view the list …
PREAMBLE: It has been two years we have been facing the pandemic of COVID 19, which has compelled us to appreciate the role of our immune system. In this context this guest lecture gives us a highlight on how Naturopathy …
Aim of the Programme: To educate the students about the career opportunity To solve their confusion regarding what is after their graduation. To impart knowledge about different types of competitive exams. Mr Mohammed Rafi Pasha, Mr Ragunandan, Mr …
EXTENSION ACTIVITY ORGANIZED ON 28-02-2022 BY THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY As a part of an extension activity, a team of students and Biochemistry teachers, St.Philomena’s College(Autonomous), Mysuru visited Government high school K. R. Mill Main road, Mysuru to give awareness …
ST. PHILOMENA’S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), MYSURU 7TH CONVOCATION, 26th March 2022 VENUE: INDOOR STADIUM To the kind attention of the Graduates Registration will begin sharply at 9.00 a.m. kindly report in person at 9.00 am.Registration link : https://forms.gle/SFsPuVJQT41eezyz9 Entry to the …