Field Visit To JanaDwani Community Radio – Sarguru
Organized for: 5th Semester B.voc Students (Media and Entertainment)
Date: 30TH AUGUST 2018
Agenda: To Make Students Aware Of working of Community Radio, its functions, the radio setup and Its purpose in the society.
Number of Students: 18
Outcome of the Visit: Better understanding of the way the small community radio station operates, a first-hand experience.
Through the visit the students first interacted with the Coordinator of the Radio Station Mr. Shiva Kumar, who explained the working of the set up and briefed them the programmes carried on. He also spoke about the history of the community radios and its purpose and role in development. Students were made aware of the programmes and policies that the government from both centre and state under take to promote this initiative and what are the policies with regards to the same.
While talking on various community radio aspects, it was made to understand that how important it is to access the quality information and to mainstream the local communities for holistic development. This also includes the talk on Article 19 (1)(a), the root for community radio movement.
The interaction session was followed by Q & A sessions where, students were spirited to ask and know more about the community issues handled, the redressal if any in socio –political arena that is seen after voicing same in the radio, the participation from local community, the working cost of the set up and many such related topics and issues.
This was followed by, visit to control room, where the production, input, output process is done. The Coordinator explained the working and use of software and amplifiers for broadcasting and such other aspects of networking. The students were fortunate enough to see a live recording of a interview with local artist which helped them to understand the lucidity in the interview, the language used and how it is different when compared to public and commercial broadcasts.