Inter Disciplinary National Webinar Series on Covid-19 Pandemic- Impacts and Responses
Departments of Sociology, Psychology and Criminology & Forensic Science organized an interdisciplinary National Webinar series on Covid-19 Pandemic- Impacts and Responses. The main purpose of this webinar was to give information towards various aspects of adjustments during this pandemic time. As a society we look forward to achieve equal development and opportunities for all sections in the society. Different scholars were brought in a single platform to have a discussion regarding how covid- 19 has an overall impact on the society and their responses. 280 participants including students and faculty registered to the webinar.
On August 3, the webinar was virtually inaugurated by our campus administrator Rev. Fr John Paul, who in his inaugural speech briefly explained the objectives of the webinar and wished for the success of the programme.
In the key note address Prof. R Indira threw light on how the pandemic has hit people’s life, it is not just losing life but also losing one’s livelihood. She added that according to the state economic development report nearly 30 percent of people have been pushed to deprivation. In response to this she stressed on how one can indulge oneself and help others for better living through sharing resources.
Dr Alphonsus D’Souza, Principal, St Philomena’s College, Mysuru, in his presidential address spoke on the Covid-19 scenario and how it is affecting the wellbeing of people in society.
In the first session Dr Gayathri Devi pointed out the effects of the pandemic on different sections and viewed that the most affected were the vulnerable population as they are not aware of the methods to rebuild their own life. She explained how the impacts of the pandemic has to be reviewed in various groups and in particular areas. She addressed on how the pandemic has a threat in social exclusion and stressed on the different abilities to fight against it. Finally, she concluded her lecture by highlighting the role of institutions, government, students and civil societies to manage and overcome the situations.
The second session on August 4, was delivered by Dr Aravind on “Crimes During Pandemic Period- An Overview”. The scholar shared how the crimes like domestic violence, fraud and fake cases, child abuse, economic and cyber frauds have increased. He threw light on the incidences of elderly abuse, E- commerce facts and online shopping disorders and frauds during the pandemic. Meanwhile the presenter stressed the pre-cautionary measures to be taken to keep themselves safe.
The third session on August 5, was designed to provide insight and understanding on key concepts of gender discourses and to discuss practical steps to tackle and ensure gender equality within the context of our homes and society. Dr Tissy Mariam Thomas explained different waves of feminism and stressed on inter-sectionalism in feminism emphasizing that feminism is for everyone. She explained how during the pandemic situations women leaders have managed well and effectively compared to men. During the pandemic, studies suggest that female leaders improved in a number of areas, including resilience, pragmatism, benevolence, trusting collective common sense, mutual aid and humility. She stressed on gender sensitive issues like how women are gender trolled, bullied by Sexist, misogynist and how it is leading to gender discrimination. She shared the details of rise in different forms of violence against women and LGBTs in the pandemic situations. Finally, she concluded with various actions and best practices to ensure gender equality at homes, role of individual in rewriting gender scripts, combat stereotypes, avoid forwarding and body shaming, listen and learn, conduct and engage in gender awareness, be conscious of your own and others’ words, and make friends with people of all genders to build a just society.
On August 6, the resource person Dr Chandan explained Covid-19 symptoms, how it spreads and also briefed out the preventive measures and strategies to be taken to tackle the situation. The speaker gave a bird’s eye view on world Covid-19 vaccine drive. He also stressed on the impacts of pandemic on different sections in the society. He cleared some of the myths which were believed to be truth. He enlightened us with how to bust fake news and he spoke about the authentic websites of the international organization and government websites which give the facts. Dr Chandan mentioned some of the social security measures taken by the government. He concluded his lecture by addressing the safety measures to be taken by all to prevent Covid- 19 transmission and to be a responsible citizen.
In the valedictory address Dr Soumya Kumar briefly explained the history and the consequences of the pandemic. He spoke on how with the increase in size, interactions and conflictual relationship with animals and taste for exotic foods in turn lead to the outbreak of the pandemics. The speaker highlighted the pandemic out break with the support of statistical data and briefed out the mortality rates due to the outbreak of small pox and cholera in our country. The scholar summarized the sessions with his valuable inputs.
Over all the knowledge gained through this webinar series will no doubt be valuable as we go forward in life.
The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Ginson George, head of the department of Psychology by remembering the people for the success of this webinar series.