Name: Dr. T. Ruth Shantha Kumari
Title: “Unraveling the biology of sperm storage in the oviduct of the female garden lizard, Calotes versicolor”
Funding agency: UGC –(2013-2017) F. No. 42-615-2013 (SR)
Amount sanctioned: 8, 35,800/-
Status: Completed
Objective: The most important objective of the major project is to unravel the mechanism/s underlying the long-term female sperm storage, in the oviduct, in a viable and motile condition in Indian garden lizard, Calotes versicolor. Histological, histochemical, biochemical and ultra structural studies (TEM) were adopted. A protein of 50KD was isolated from the oviduct (sperm storage tubules) by Flushing & using saline. It was interesting to note that both the crude and purified form of this protein retarded the motility of epididymal sperm in a reversible fashion. Presently work is in progress to characterise this protein and decode the mechanism of this retardation. The results of these studies can help us to devise better strategies for handling the modern problems in the field of reproductive biology. It may also help us to carry out efforts for conservation of endangered species.