Special talk on Lie Algebra and Lie group Bundles
Introducing Lie Algebra and Lie-Bundle Groups on the basis of Matrix and Group Theory and its application to Interdisciplinary subjects.
Outlines of the Session:
- Definition and Illustration on matrix lie group with examples and
- Unique properties on Special Linear
- Manifold theory and differentiable
- Discussing few results on Lie group
- Introduction to Noetherian and Zariski
- Demonstration of Lie
The Department of Mathematics, conducted a guest lecture in Lie Alge- bra and Lie group Bundles, on 29th, June 2022. The resource person, Prof. B.
- Kiranagi is an Adjunct professor at Mangalore University, who is also an active researcher in the field of Lie Group Bundles and Lie Algebra. Mr. Bharatha K, Assistant professor of PG Department of Mathematics, address the gathering and introduce the speaker. The lecture series began soon, after welcoming the speaker.
The speaker began his talk starting with few definitions of Matrix lie groups with some examples, continuing with special linear groups and its properties, which
includes special orthogonal, unitary and manifolds. Moving on the speaker ex- plained about differentiable structures of lie groups by stating some important re- sults, namely the Fundamental theorem of algebra and Hilbert basis theorem. Fur- ther the speaker gave an overview about Noetherian and Zariski Topology which amazed the students.
The speaker walked the student through a series of slides that help them to understand the basics of Lie group bundles and Lie algebra. The session was very interactive and ended with many students requesting for more session.