
About Hindi Department

A Brief History

The department of Hindi was established when the college commenced in the year 1946. Prof. M.K. Rajagopal was the be-all and end-all of the department for a long term. In the year 1977 Prof. M.N. AnandaRao joined the department. After the superannuation of Prof. M. K. Rajagopal in October 1980, Prof H. Anantha Sharma joined the department and the duo steered it steadily for a long time. After their retirement, Prof. M.C. Prabha along with Mrs. N. Shantha, Mr. Manohar C. Bharathiya and Mrs. Francisanna taught in the department in a commendable way.

Present Faculty:


One day workshop was organized by the department on “Language workshop in Hindi”  (CBCS) on 20th March 2010.  Three Merit Scholarships have been instituted; One to a non-speaking Hindi Student instituted by  Prof. M.N.Anand Rao and the other two by Prof. M.C. Prabha. A Hindi Exhibition is arranged by the students every year to enlighten their knowledge and talents through charts, photographs, books etc.

Future Plan of Action:

The department is planning to introduce Optional Hindi, as one of the major subjects as well as Certificate / Diploma course for those interested in learning Hindi.

Participation in National Workshop By Students of Hindi Department

Present Faculty:

Assistant Professor
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BOS Minutes of the Meeting